Half-Life 2: Redux Mod (Full)

Box art for Half-Life 2: Redux Mod (Full) For: Half-Life 2
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[quote] Ever feel that Half-Life 2 is starting to feel dated? That new FPS games have better graphics? Well, now with this mod Half-Life 2 is back on top. This mod is a facelift for Half-Life 2. The mod adds extreme detail to most textures and more bump-maps. Note that Fake Factory retextures are also used. The mod also adds HDR lighting and replaces a lot of the skins with more detailed and more accurate textures. Also the game play has been more balanced. The weapon fire power has been increased and the enemies have been weekend to a more realistic level (3-4 shots to kill like real life). For Matrix Slow-Mo in game open up the console and type: Exec Bullettime.cfg -Then all you have to do is hit B to go MATRIX. Feel free to do whatever you want to the files in this mod. [/quote]
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