K1 Mandalorian Armor Reskin

Box art for K1 Mandalorian Armor Reskin For: Knights of the Old Republic
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[b][url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/news/For_Your_Ease_of_Refernece_the_Mod_Rating_System_in_a_Nutshell;39957]Mod Rating[/url]: Beginner[/b]

Watcher07 brings us reskins of the Mandalorians. As thou may seest, Watcher has altered them so that they are, for the most part, grey or black, with Mandalorian symbols placed on the front and back, and with the colouration of the armour reduced to a single spot.

As the author (rightly) points out in the readme, not many armies in the history of the world have divided themselves up by colour, and it rather makes things easy for the enemy if all your officers are easily identifiable from the distance... ;) That said, some sort of colour-coding is clearly in operation amongst the Mandalorians, and hence the reduced elements visible in this mod.

This mod is based upon some of Shem's work, and inspired in part by a mod by KWN2. If you have Shem's [url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Mandalorian_Ultimate_Mod;84477]Mandalorian Ultimate Mod[/url], then this mod will also replace the skin for Canderous' armour, to be in-line with the uniforms of this mod.

Since the mod is based upon Shem's work, it is a little difficult to know how much to praise the author for the mod, or blame them for it's weaknesses. That said, the author is to be commended for the clear effort put into the skinning done - the Mandalorian symbols genuinely look like they have been applied to the armour, and not as though they have been slapped on top in Photoshop, as is sometimes the case with such skins. The author has also been restrained in using the metal shader, which is also welcome and sensible. :)

There's not much that can be said against this mod on the other side, since it fulfils what it sets out to do pretty well, and can't easily be criticised on those grounds. However, it is perhaps worth reflecting on the Mandalorians' love of ground assaults, preference for concealment, and use of jungle bases, which might indicate a preference for camouflage, rather than a uniform grey... Nevertheless, this is an aesthetic point only, and does not affect the good quality of the mod, and the clear effort put into it by the author.

[b]NB[/b]: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.

-Darth InSidious
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