PFHC05 Female Head Reskin

Box art for PFHC05 Female Head Reskin For: Knights of the Old Republic
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When 1999 rolled around and George Lucas released [i]Star Wars: The Phantom Menace[/i], we were finally introduced to two Zabrak characters. One of them played a big roll and that was Darth Maul, while the other had a supporting cast roll, that being Eeth Koth. Zabraks are known for their horns that grow out of their head.

Obsidian got around to making a Zabrak character as one of your party members in [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i]. People do tend to confuse Bao-Dur as just an Iridonian, not a Zabrak. Bao-Dur is a Zabrak from the planet of Iridonia, just like Darth Maul is. Bao-Dur is called an Iridonian because he’s from the planet of Iridonia. Maybe if one of us was to enter the Star Wars Universe, maybe we would be called an Earthling because we’re from the planet of Earth and then maybe other species such as Rodians, Twi’leks and such would confuse someone from Earth as just an Earthling, but not a human and the debate would go on.

Recently, our fellow network admin Inyri Forge released a horn pack to make heads look like Zabraks. The only thing left is skinning a head to match the new horns Inyri made. She did that for her Darth Maul head mod that was included with the multiple horn designs that you can find right [url=;83552]here[/url].

Now, along came Wilv who has decided that we needed female Zabraks running around. So he skinned the 5th female Caucasian head option to look more like a Zabrak. Of course you will need to download Inyri’s mod to get the horns you need to go along with the work the Wilv put into this mod release. These include dark side transitions, but do not have new portraits. Enjoy the new skins! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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