SG Soldier

Box art for SG Soldier For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Um... Hi?

So, this is an add-on to Dr Jackson's Jack O'neill skin. I'm tempted to call it a minor tweak, but two new variants have been added, so it classes as it's own file. I'm going to focus on KhaosNite's modifications, although I'm running without comparison (I looked but couldn't find the original anywhere, sowwy).

The first thing you're going to notice, if you've seen the original, is the hair recoloration. While it's close, the color is off, as Jack O'neill seems to have copper colored hair. Minus points on authenticity. Eh, who cares about a little thing like that? In truth, I think the hair could use a little reskinning, rather than a recoloring, because I always thought that this model's hair looked... well... iffy.

Secondly, the blue (dress uniform) skin has rank insignia and medals removed, according to the readme. Now, that's a double-edged sword. The color of the uniform is off (from my ref pics) - it should be a vibrant shade of navy blue, not gray (-authenticity, again). Without the medals, there's a lot of empty space on the uniform, and it doesn't look so good with so much blank space - it makes the skin look plain, because there's nothing "going on". I'm not saying it looks bad, I'm just saying that maybe the space available could have been used better.

Third, the on-base uniform has had the green shirt changed to blue. There's also a black version, which apparently appeared in later seasons, but I wouldn't know about that - I stopped watching when the show became a little predictable.

Fourth, the camo version. I assume this is Dr Jackson's work, but if anything makes the pack worth getting, it's the camo version.

Anyway, there aren't any overt errors, so I'll say what I would change if I were doing a v2 of this.

On the three on-base uniforms, the vests need more detail. The detail is there, but it doesn't stand out very much, and that gives the vest a flat black appearance. Same with the actual blue/green parts - they could be more obviously textured. As for the black, well, you may want to change that to a dark gray, because black skins tend to look ugly without shaders, and this is a case were shaders are not an option. Change it to a dark gray, just dark enough to make it appear black but light enough to show the texture.

For the dress uniform, change it to [url=""]navy blue, like this[/url], because it just ain't Jack O'neill without Jack O'neill's suit. Also, I suggest adding the medals back on, because the skin looks really empty without them. The shoulder pips can stay gone, though - never did like shoulder pips on a suit.

The camo version is pretty much fine as it is - just tweak the vest, make it look a bit more like denim, because right now it kinda looks like it's made from glitter and sand if you look closely. =/

The model itself, well, as I said, I think the hair needs reskinning from scratch, but that's quite a feat, so I don't blame you if you don't do it. The face definitely needs changing. I know you're thinking that you'd have to edit the mesh, but actually, with a little focus, time and effort you can change the face of a model entirely by merely retexturing it. As it is now, the face is close, but it's just not Jack.

You may also want to consider adding bot and NPC files, so that those of us without a suitable connection for online gaming can enjoy seeing this skin over the course of gameplay.

Anyway, overall this pack is a must for a Stargate mod collector, and equally essential for a good Stargate RP. This is also likely the best modern-age soldier skin we're going to get any time soon, since most of what we get are Jedi, Sith or Reborn, with the occasional Pokémon thrown in (that Mewtwo model still makes me laugh like hell when I see it in JKA), so even if you're not into Stargate but like modern-style dudes, this is pretty much for you.

As for [i]you[/i], KhaosNite, I severely hope you do a v2 of this, and maybe add in more variants; possibly with some home-brewed designs to show off your potential to the max. :)

~ Kouen

[b]Bot Support:[/b] No
[b]NPC Support:[/b] No
[b]Custom Sounds:[/b] Yes
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