Wraith Hive Ship & Atlantis Fix

Box art for Wraith Hive Ship & Atlantis Fix For: Star Trek: Bridge Commander
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well, here it is, a working Lantian City Ship and Wraith Hive Ship from the TV series Stargate: Atlantis. let me tell you I have been trying to make one of these myself and it is not easy because of the sheer size of the model. Despite the size these shouldn't be too high poly for most systems to run, enjoy
[quote]he is a working wraith hive ship & the fixes for Atlantis from cinqnic/cliperkins & dave 975

dave975 the maker of Stargate pack has had a look at the ships and has redone them . there are still some problems
due to hes work on hes new Stargate pack
so most of the credit has to go to him.
i am working with him on better a Atlantis what should be coming soon

What Dave said about the ships
This is a very basic one that just to get the ship in game and isn't very well balanced to anything.
It also can't launch darts yet. (but hes working on it)

This has a working version of the Atlantis textures and icon. The hive ship also had a similar problem when
I added a hardpoint file to it and put it in-game so i've included fixed versions of those too (and I've made the purple textures a more
accurate blue color). I've also included the hardpoint I've done for the Hive as well....it's by no means a finished hardpoint yet,
but it's enough to get it in-game for you.

Hope that's all helpful to you.

things needed you need the SGA Atlantis 1st ship but not the wraith hive ship everything is here for that
its just a cut in paste jod[/quote]
note to author, please include a properly formatted readme with all future mods
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