Call of Aid

Box art for Call of Aid For: Knights of the Old Republic
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Sekan is back with an update to [i]Call of Aid[/i]. For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, it adds an armband which spawns various non-player characters that follow the player character around and help out if the player gets in a firefight, which is likely to happen in such a dangerous line of work. ;)

The first two versions, which were actually named [i]Call of the Republic[/i], spawned Republic soldiers and Jedi to help out the player. Version 1.2 updated the mod, making it so that the player would only receive Republic soldiers and Jedi if they player was aligned to the light side; if the player was dark sided, the armband would spawn Sith soldiers and Dark Jedi. This latest version adds a third possibility; if the player is not clearly aligned to the light or dark, the armband will spawn various Mandalorians instead. In addition, it utilizes Inyri's [file="87580"]Female Mandalorians[/file] mod, to add a bit of variety.

As with previous versions, the player receives the Call of Aid armband upon departing from Dantooine for the first time, in order to help them during their search for the Star Forge. You should have a saved game from before this point, assuming you've been saving often and in multiple slots. ;) However, if you don't, or if you don't want to go back and replay up to the point you are in the game, you can simply use the cheat console or the savegame editor to add the item to your inventory.

This mod uses the TSL patcher to ensure compatibility with other mods. Enjoy the new update. :)

NOTE: Please leave comments or feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; it's usually the only reward the author receives for their efforts.

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