Death Alert

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If you raid, and I know you all do, have you or your guildmates ever tried to figure out what targets they were tanking when they died? Usually when a tank dies guildmates have to communicate over voice chat to say what mob to pick up, this can cause trouble and distractions. This mod may just make it easier by announcing to your raid or party what mob and icon (if avaiable) you were tanking when you died.


-Simple and sweet on/off switch.
-Customizable raid message using patterns.
-Will let the raid know what mob name you were tanking, and raid icon if available.
-It will only announce to the raid or party if you were in defensive stance when you died.

/da [alert | pattern | iconpattern]
- alert: Turns on/off raid alerts.
- pattern: Sets the pattern to be used for alerts.
- iconpattern: Sets the icon pattern to be used if there is a raid icon set.

Patterns - These are the how the alerts are going to look. These use variables to represent things such as the mob name, and the player name.

Variables used for the main pattern:
%p - Players name
%n - Mobs name
%r - Raid Icon pattern information (if a raid icon is available)
Variables used for the raid icon information:
%c - Color of the raid icon
%i - The icon\'s shape

An example of the pattern and raid icon used:
Main pattern: \"%p is dead, ** %n%r ** is loose!\"
Icon pattern: \" (%c %i)\"
Will output something like this \"Odlaw is dead, ** Murloc (Red X) ** is loose!\"
and if no raid icon is present: \"Odlaw is dead, ** Murloc ** is loose!\"
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