Dragon UnPACKer

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Dragon UnPACKer v5.2.0b MPL 1.1 open source
by Alexande \"Elbereth\" Devilliers 30/01/2006

** English ** (voir Historique.txt pour la version française)

What\'s new


* = Updated
+ = New
- = Deleted
! = Bug fixed
# = Known Bug
i = Information

Plugins versions:

Drivers plugins: Version:
Elbereth\'s 11th Hour Driver (drv_11th.d5d) Beta 2
Main Driver (drv_default.d5d) Release A
Nullpointer\'s Giants GZP Driver (drv_giants.d5d)
A.Cordero\'s UT Packages Driver (drv_ut.d5d)
Info-ZIP\'s ZIP Driver (DLL wrapper) (drv_zip.d5d)
Info-ZIP\'s UnZip DLL for Win32 (unzip32.dll) 5.5.2
WestWood MIX Driver [by Felix Riemann] (drv_mix.d5d) 1.1.4 Beta

Convert plugins:
Picture/Textures convert Plugin (cnv_pictex.d5c)

HyperRipper Plugins:
Elbereth\'s HyperRipper 5 Plugin (hr_default.d5h)

Main program version and versions history:

Release B [30/01/2006]

! Fixed bug: By implementing (too quickly) the feature request 1216790, I
broke the use of 2 older keywords.
! Fixed \"--Undefined-OPT203--\" in options for english & spanish translation.
The new language files are compatible with all 5.2.0 versions.

Release A [29/12/2005]

+ Implemented feature request 1216790: file size/length needed.
* Main driver plugin is now v2.0.0 Release A (DUDI v4):
! Fixed the extraction of The Movies .PAK files (some files had 2
compression headers... I don\'t understand why...).
Thanks to the XentaX Wiki for the info.

Release [23/12/2005]

i Since last version 5.1.2 WIP (9 months ago), I was quite inactive in
developping Dragon UnPACKer. But the last few days were quite productive
(imho). Here is the result: A new version for 2005 (just in time).
+ Ability to use priority for Drivers plugins.
What is that for ?
Well, basically for expert users this allows to prefer one driver over
another one when trying to open files.
For example:
If you want drv_mix to try opening a file before drv_default you will give
drv_mix a priority higher than for drv_default.
Maximum priority: 200
Minimum priority: 0
+ New error dialog box. I hope this will allow for better bug reports.
(Not used everywhere, but should show in most situations)
+ Add a log to the UI to know what is going on.
You can hide this new log thingy (hint: right click or in the options).
+ Added a new log options tab (in the Options obviously)
+ New convert and driver plugin system (respectively DUCI v3 and DUDI v4).
This allow for direct (without using temporary file, therefore faster)
convertion. This was created with preview feature in mind.
* Enhanced HyperRipper and plugin to support very big files (more than 2GB).
* UT Packages driver plugin is now v2.3.0 (DUDI v4):
* Now using TUTPackages v2.3-cvs (09/05/2004)
This is certainly the last version ever from Antonio Cordero.
Modified it a bit to support extraction to a stream.
+ Added Game Hint structure. This is needed for better game support by the
library. For every new file you open it will popup asking from which game
is the file. Just select the game in the drop down list.
If the game is not in the list, it will most probably be not supported
* ZIP driver plugin is now v1.1.0 (DUDI v4):
i Now using UnZip.pas from Gerke Preussner
InfoZIP UnZip for Delphi Wrapper (http://www.gerke-preussner.de)
* Now using UnZip32.Dll (InfoZip) v5.5.2.
i This version of the plugin is extracting the whole entry to memory and
then writes it into a file. If needed I might add an option to go direct
to disk when file is more than a certain size.
! Fixed bug #1118661: Very Big Files failure
! Fixed bug #1066079: Caption \"Drivers\" cannot be translated
* Convert plugin is now v2.0.1 (DUCI v3):
+ New convert function that use TStream input and output.
* Old convert function are now only wrappers to the new functions.
! Fixed some bugs (not sure they weren\'t introduced by the TStream system)
* Main driver plugin is now v2.0.0 (DUDI v4):
+ New extraction function that use TStream as output.
+ Added progress display for a bunch of extraction functions.
+ Added support for Age of Empires 3 .BAR files
+ Added support for Black & White 2 .STUFF & .LUG files
+ Added support for Civilization 4 .FPK files
+ Added support for Fable: The Lost Chapters .LUG files
+ Added support for F.E.A.R. .ARCH00 files
+ Added support for LEGO Star Wars .DAT files
+ Added support for The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth .BIG files
+ Added support for The Movies .BIG & .LUG files
* Duppi v2.1.0:
+ Now using the new Dragon UnPACKer Update Server [DUS] version 3 (PHP based,
sources included).
That means Duppi will only display updates & translations related to your
version of Dragon UnPACKer.
+ Now also support internet retrieval of translations directly from Duppi!
+ Added support to retrieve version number for all 3 new plugins interfaces
(DUCI v3, DUDI v4 and DUHI v3)
! Fixed bug #1066080: Caption: \"InfoLab\" while connecting to server
i Compiled for support of language files version 9.

Release [18/07/2004]

i I think it is time for a stable release. In the last 2 months I only had 6
bug fix request (I fixed 3, 2 couldn\'t be fixed with current structure of
the program and 1 wasn\'t reproductible for me).
Before stable release I had hoped to have a full help file and manual.
David_s_tr is working on them. But I have some plans that will require deep
changes in the core of Dragon UnPACKer, for this I will make the 5.1 branch
on CVS after release of 5.0.
! Fixed bug #958620 : Translation problem when starting with unknown file
! Fixed bug #958622 : Problem in create entry list dialog (combobox only show
* Main Driver v1.3.4 Release A:
i Formely known as \"Elbereth\'s Main Driver\".
+ Added Painkiller PAK support. [Partially based on MrMouse information]
+ Added Hitman: Contracts .TEX support.
+ Added Hitman: Contracts .PRM support.
There are no filenames stored in those files, so the plugin just creates
ones. Don\'t rely on those filenames.
+ Added Cyberbykes .BIN support [Request #968745].
* Picture/Textures Convert v1.0.7:
! Fixed some bugs in palette creator (author/name).
+ Added Glacier Engine games (Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Contracts,
Freedom Fighters, etc..) support for all 4 textures formats :
- DXT1 to DDS (DXT1 compressed)
- DXT3 to DDS (DXT3 compressed)
- PALN to TGA 32bpp w/alpha channel
- RGBA to TGA 32bpp w/alpha channel
* Duppi v2.0.3:
* Changed URL where update data is retrieved (should be faster than the
older one). Old versions of Duppi will still work (old URL still works).
! Fixed bug #958619 : Translation problem in proxy dialog box.

Release Candidate 4 [08/05/2004]

i Biggest change is that Dragon UnPACKer is now open source under the Mozilla
Public Licence 1.1.
You can find source on Sourceforge. If you are willing to help developing
Dragon UnPACKer you are welcome (you need Delphi knowledge). Because I am
lacking time to work on Dragon UnPACKer don\'t expect frequent versions if
I am still alone programming it.
+ New language file format (DLNG v4).
I hope this will fix problems some translations were having.
* Elbereth\'s Main Driver v1.3.1 RC:
+ Added Pixel Painters games normal and extended ressource files support.
That means following games files are supported:
Dig It! .XRS files (maybe embedded files are encrypted/decrypted..)
Electranoid .RES files
Fuzzy\'s World of Miniature Space Golf .RES files
Laser Light .RES files
Xatax .RES files
Thanks to \"Borg No. One\" for his help.
+ Added Command & Conquer: Generals .BIG files support.
+ Experimental Commandos 3 .PCK files support.
Let me explain: Files are encrypted (light encryption) but I was unable to
know how to automatically find the decryption key. So if my key \"guess\"
code doesn\'t work the extracted file will be crypted.
This should never happen to WAV files (should always decrypt).
+ Added Empires: Dawn of the Modern World .SSA support.
But no decompression (PK01).
+ Added Eve Online STUFF support. [Thanks to DaReverse for infos]
+ Added Spellforce PAK support. [Thanks to DaReverse for infos]
! Fixed some weird coding.. :P
+ Added Nocturne POD support. [Requested by Voodoo]
! Fixed POD support (when Smart opening is disabled in Dragon UnPACKer).
! Fixed two bugs found by Voodoo in the HyperRipper.

Release Candidate 3 [26/09/2003]

i This is the first version released after testing from the beta testers team.
Therefore this version should be very stable.
! Fixed a bug with icons not read from registry of Windows (if option is
selected) but from the LOOK file for results of a search.
! Fixed cosmetic bugs in the options window.
* Changed About box. Now all beta testers nicknames appears. There is also
a list of translators of Dragon UnPACKer.
* Optimized A LOT the directory browsing. Now for directories with thousands
of files it is INSTANTANEOUS.
Achieved using VirtualTree in a better way and in a less important
proportion using directory cache structure:
v5.0.0 RC2 method 5000ms
Without directory caching 50ms
With directory caching 0ms
! Fixed two cosmetic bug in the options menu (File Type and Look weren\'t
leading to the right option panel).
! Fixed a bug in the option form that was causing an \"Access Violation\" error
when no plugin was found of either Driver, Convert and HyperRipper type.
! Fixed two missing errors messages for HyperRipper plugins.
! Fixed a bug in the option form where the HyperRipper list was using the
currently selected convert plugin (instead of currently selected HyperRipper
i Updated all 3 \"create list\" templates to reflect the new Email and URL.
* Implemented DUHI (Dragon UnPACKer HyperRipper plugin Interface) v2.
This allows forms created by the plugin to be considered part of the main
application. This version is compatible with DUHI v1 and v2.
* Implemented DUCI (Dragon UnPACKer Convert plugin Interface) v2.
This allows forms created by the plugin to be considered part of the main
application. This version is compatible with DUCI v1 and v2.
* Implemented DUDI (Dragon UnPACKer Driver plugin Interface) v3.
This allows forms created by the plugin to be considered part of the main
application. This version is compatible with DUHI v1, v2 and v3.
* Elbereth\'s Main Driver v1.2.8 RC:
+ Added support for Battlefield 1942 .RFA files from retail version (not
only demo). Translated C decompression code from RAT v0.5.0, Refractor2
Archive Tool to Delphi Pascal. Original C code by:
Tonto Rostenfaunt
Blackjap McGee
RAT can be found at: http://r2at.sourceforge.net/
RFA parsing was entirely coded from scratch.
I can send the translated decompression code (Delphi Pascal) if someone
wants it.
+ Added support for GTA: Vice City .ADF files.
ADF files are only MP3 files encrypted so opening an ADF file will only
show one file inside.
+ Elbereth\'s Picture/Textures Convert v1.0.4 Beta:
i Now using DUCI v2.
! Fixed convert form that wasn\'t considered a child of main Dragon UnPACKer
application. (Alt+TAB now works fine)
+ Added Config box allowing to manage palettes.
i Elbereth\'s Main HyperRipper plugin v5.0.1 Release C:
i Now using DUHI v2.
! Fixed MPEG Audio config form that wasn\'t considered a child of main Dragon
UnPACKer application. (Alt+TAB now works fine)

Release Candidate 2 [08/09/2003]

i As you have probably noticed I got rid of \"Dragon Software\" name and URL. As
a result I changed all URLs in core and Duppi to:
http://www.dragonunpacker.com or http://www.elberethzone.net
! Fixed two small cosmetic bugs as reported by Andrew Bondar. :)
For information:
\"Aucun\" displayed at bottom right on startup.
PnlComment displayed in driver infos.
! Fixed a bug in the core application when unknown exceptions is raised by a
plugin (now it displays the message instead of \"%e\"). :)
* Added directory parsing indicator in the percentage bar.
That way you know that Dragon UnPACKer is working and not crashed.
+ Added support for new drivers plugins generation (using DUDI v2).
If you are a plugin developer this fixed some big lacks in DUDI v1.
The following plugins are in developement and will use DUDI v2:
drv_multiex MultiEx.dll Wrapper
drv_11th (final version) 11th Hour & 7th Guest file format support
! Fixed a bug where the root of a file was parsed twice the first time.
- Disabled the security about needed drv_default.d5d file.
That means this version can run without the drv_default.d5d driver. This is
if you want to make a special version with only the plugins you want.
! Fixed some really minor cosmetic glitches (b instead of B in the HyperRipper
speed/memory measurement).
* Optimized some data handling (use pointers instead of copying values where
* Now the directories in the index tree view are sorted.
! Fixed extraction status panel position.
* Elbereth\'s Main Driver v1.2.7 RC:
+ Added Star Crusader PAK and GL support.
(I don\'t know the format of images in the GL files... I only checked it
was not PCX images. If you know the format please send me a mail so I can
add the right extension)
! Fixed Monkey Island 3 .BUN support.
+ Added Tron 2.0 .REZ to the list of supported games.
* Duppi v2.0.2:
* Enhanced so it can show Convert and HyperRipper plugins version info.
* Implemented some features of the D5P file format into Duppi.
+ Added support for the \"new\" D5P version 2.
+ Detect the needed Duppi version information from D5P files.
+ Apply D5P needed Dragon UnPACKer 5 version.
+ Custom banner from D5P files is now displayed (if available).
! Fixed a small (but important) bug in Duppi. It was impossible to install
files in sub directories of selected base directory.
The D5P maker (to be released) don\'t use this option yet, so all D5P files
works fine with any version of Duppi.
+ Added support for HyperRipper plugins.
+ Elbereth\'s Picture/Textures Convert v1.0.3 Beta released:
+ Added support for Bloodrayne .TEX textures.
Convert to BMP (8bpp) and TGA (8bpp and 24bpp).
Used information about TEX texture files from Bloodrayne.co.uk forums.
i Elbereth\'s Main HyperRipper plugin v5.0.1 Release B:
+ Added much requested Ogg Stream support (Ogg Vorbis for ex).

Release Candidate 1 [29-06-2003]

! Fixed main menu colors changing.
(Switched to TJvMainMenu from JEDI Project.)
* Updated VirtualTreeView to v3.8.3.
! Fixed a bug in core application.
Access violation when double right clicking in the right pane view.
! Fixed a small color bug in the right pane popup menu.
! Fixed an untranslated error message (when could not open the file).
Was always in french.
! Fixed a bug when extracting all subdirectories the files where
extracted in the DUP5 directory.
* Changed the Directory select (when extracting multiple files) dialog.
Now you can create directories.
! Fixed a small color bug in the left pane popup menu.
* Now DUP5 verifies the file it tries to open really exist before
trying to open the files using the driver plugins.
* Updated HyperRipper to version 5.0a:
* Changed buffer default sizes from too big values (32KB, 64KB and 128KB) to
much smaller values (256B,512B and 1KB). Using 256B makes HyperRipper much
much faster to search files than using 32KB buffer.
Note: If you already used HyperRipper v5.0 you will have to manually
select the new buffer value in the options.
+ Added new naming scheme for found entries, just check the advanced
* Changed left pane view component from TTreeView by TVirtualTreeView.
The only visible change is the ghosted icon for selected directory.
Should be faster when adding tons of new directories. But honestly I don\'t
see any difference on my computer. :-)
Anyway this change will allow future visual improvements if needed and
should take less memory and cpu cycles.
+ Added all missing configuration and about box calling routines in Dragon
UnPACKer core.
(Also added About box for every plugin in this release)
* Elbereth\'s Main Driver v1.2.5 RC (aka Default Driver):
+ Added Rage of Mages & Rage of Mages 2 RES support.
* Elbereth\'s HyperRipper 5 Default plugin (v5.0.0 Release B):
! Small glitch fixed (\"ave\" instead of \"Wave\").
* Elbereth\'s Picture/Textures Convert plugin (v1.0.2 Beta):
+ Added palette creation support.
Click on the Add button next to the Palette list (on the palette select
screen). Then open the file with the palette (can be 8Bpp BMP or PCX or
Microsoft Palette, Jasc PSP Palette or raw palettes).

Beta 4 [26-04-2003]

! Beta 3 wasn\'t working under Windows 98. Fixed.
- Completly removed XP menus. Some reasons:
1) They were preventing multi-bytes languages to display correctly in menus.
(ex: Russian, Japanese, Persian, etc..)
2) The option to disable XP menus wasn\'t working at all.
3) Standard menu aspect looks much better :)
* Cleaned code, now exe is 500KB smaller.
! Fixed images from splash and about screen.
* Default Driver v1.2.3 Beta:
+ Added Port Royale .CPR files support.
+ Added Harbinger .SQH files support.
This format have tons of directories (at least 5000)... Dragon UnPACKer 5
is really slow at parsing it.
+ Added Purge .REZ files to the list of supported games.
+ Added Patrician II .CPR files to the supported games. (Thanks to Felix
* UT Package Driver v2.1.0:
+ Added Unreal 2 support.
i Splinter Cell should work (untested).

Beta 3 [08-04-2003]

! Fixed some user interface glitches under WinXP. (In the option dialog box)
* Updated VirtualTreeView from 3.6.2 to 3.7.4.
* Changed a bit the About dialog box of Dragon UnPACKer to show when it was
compiled (date & time).
* Added create list with all options:
List all files, only current dir (with or without sub-directories) & only
selected entries.
Sorting of files (by name, offset or size).
Included templates:
Dragon UnPACKer 4 HTML Style v1.1b
Text Database v1.0
XML Database v1.0
* Now icons used for embedded files are directly found using your Windows
registry. That means you will have same icons in DUP5 than in your windows
explorer. :o)
I have also added an option to disable this behaviour and use the old
internal icons.
* New Exception handler window, but it isn\'t used...
* Duppi v2.0.0:
+ Internet update:
Check for new or updated plugins using Internet. Duppi will then download
and install them (all downloaded packages are put in your Download sub
directory of Dragon UnPACKer 5).
+ Now when you run Duppi as is you will be given the choice of check
Internet for updated packages or browse to a package to install it.
* HyperRipper Default plugin (v5.0.0 Release A).
! Setup button was enabled for S3M and IT file formats (it should not).
* Picture/Textures Convert plugin (v1.0.1 Beta):
+ Now plugins reminds last used palette.
i Updated the Shadow Warrior palette with better colors.
* Default driver plugin (v1.2.2 Beta):
+ Added support for Age of Mythology .BAR files.
+ Added support for BloodRayne .POD files.
Tested only with the PC Demo.
+ Added support for James Bond NightFire .007 files.
+ Added No One Lives for Ever 2 to the list of supported games.
+ Added support for Postal .SAK files.
Tested only on Postal Plus Demo.
! Fixed Jagged Alliance 2 SLF support.
! Fixed extraction of non-compressed data in Emperor: Battle for Dune
RFH/RFD files (resulting in 0 bytes extracted files).
[Reported by Andrei Zharnasek]
* Now using same extraction method as in DUP5 core. Allowing display of the
extraction progress.
* UT Package driver plugin (v2.0.0 Rel.A):
i Use TUTPackage v2.0 by Antonio Cordero Balcazar with official UT2003
support and (partial?) Army Operation.
* Much better UT2003 support :)
i Changed the version numbering to reflect TUTPackage version (major and
minor version number of plugin are now same version as TUTPackage one).
That means that if major and minor version don\'t change only minor things
are changed in the driver. Removed Beta status of driver.
! Fixed an enormous bug. There was a debug option that tried to extract raw
data from Sound entries to H:\\ drive. If you didn\'t have this disk you
would get an error while extracting Sound files from UAX. Sorry..
i Please note that Unreal 2 is NOT supported yet!
* ZIP Driver plugin (v1.0.2):
* Updated UnZip32.Dll to v5.5.0.
(Adding support to PkZip\'s Deflate64(tm) compression method and fixing
some security bugs).
+ Added Line of Sight: Vietnam .ZA to the supported file entensions.
+ Added Master of Orion 3 .MOB to the supported file entensions.

Beta 2 [18-10-2002]

+ Added HyperRipper v5.0!
i Same supported file formats as in DUP4.
i More reliable and efficient than HyperRipper v4.2 (DUP4)!
i Some tweaking options for those of you that want \"complete\" control. :)
i Writing support for the newly HyperRipper File (HRF) version 3.0 file
format but also for the olders version 1 and 2 (version 0 is unsupported).
i To bring the configuration panel of MPEG Audio just click on MPEG Audio in
Format Select tabs and then on Setup buton.
+ Added drag and drop extraction without convertion from Dragon UnPACKer 5 to
the explorer, desktop, etc..
+ Now the program will run \"shell open\" on the selected file by
double-clicking on it.
* Should be Windows XP friendly (themed).
* Ah! Finally got XP like menus (like in Office XP).
For those of you that prefer classic menus go to Icons/Look options tab and
uncheck the XP Style Menus option.
+ BarfHappy made superb icons for the menus, popups and toolbars.
! Fixed \"EAccessViolation\" when right clicking on a file without extension in
Dragon UnPACKer 5 listview. (bug found by Felix Riemann)
! Fixed the bug reported when multiple drivers wanted to open the same file
format. (reported by Felix Riemann)
! Fixed 2 missing translations in options. (Reported by Fabrizio Degni)
+ Added error message when a plugin opens a file with 0 entries.
(Asked by Nullpointer)
! Fixed a bug when trying to open twice an empty file.
+ Added keyboard navigation in the options panel. (Asked by Nullpointer)
+ Added exit from Options by pressing Escape. (Also asked by Nullpointer)
* Duppi v1.0.1:
+ Added package version info.
* XP friendly.
* Default Driver v1.1.4 Beta:
+ Added support for Battlefield 1942 .RFA files.
+ Added support for GTA3 IMG/DIR files.
+ Added support for HyperRipper .HRF files version 3.0.
Added major version number to the format string (Ex: HRF1 for v1 files).
+ Added support for Sin .SIN files.
+ Added support for Zanzarah .PAK files.
Tested only on the Demo if someone can test it on the game and give me
+ Added F22 Lightning 3 .PFF in the list of supported games.
! Fixed bug where Earth Siege 2 and Tribes .VOL files were not displayed as
supported (but all code to support them was in the driver).
! Fixed support of Novalogic\'s PFF3 files (.PFF) when using the \"Smart file
format detection\" option.. Until I release this version you may disable
this option when opening PFF3 files.
* UT Packages Drivers v1.0.4 Beta:
+ Sound extraction from UT2003 and Undying should work now.
+ Added Undying to the list of supported games.

Beta 1 [28-07-2002]

i Recoded from scratch under Borland Delphi 6. Faster, better memory
management, support for huge files (9223372 TB!!), no more limited number of
entries in files (only limited by the memory of your computer).
* Plugins system for the support of file formats and convertions.
i Many new supported formats (Unreal Tournament for ex), enhanced support for
other formats (Giants GZP and Emperor: Battle for Dune files are now
completly supported, including compressed entries), ..
- This version does not include (compared with the last version 4):
The HyperRipper, that is not completly coded yet
Creation of file lists (text and html)
Creation and edition of PAK files of Quake/Half-Life
Some file formats support (ex: Doom, Baldur\'s Gate, etc..)

i Version history for all versions 4 are no more in this file because this is
a completly new code base.
You can download the text file with the Version 4 history on the official
Dragon UnPACKer homepage (history-v4.txt).
URL: http://www.elberethzone.net/index.php?page=dup4

Some informations about older versions:

Version 5 (October 2001/2003)
Recoded Dragon UnPACKer from scratch under Borland Delphi 6/7.

Version 4 (1999/2001)
Started again the Dragon UnPACKer developpement from scratch under VB5.
Last version released is the v4.22.87 Release A.

Version 3 (1998)
Trying to add an Explorer like interface for the ugly v2..
No version 3 where released to the public.
I was developping version 2 and version 3 at the same time when the Crash
disk destroyed all sources...

Version 2 (June 1998)
Simple Windows version (with GUI) of Quake UnPACKer, reading more formats..
Interface is UGLY...
Last version released is the v2.00.9 Alpha.

Version 1 (April 1997)
DOS program allowing the read of .PAK files from Quake and some PAK files
from Quake 3 (was then named Quake UnPACKer).
Last version released is the v1.10 Final.

Version 0 (1997)
DOS program. Alpha/Beta versions of Quake UnPACKer.

Beta Developement Page:

This page allow you to follow the developement log of Dragon UnPACKer 5 between
Beta releases. You can also find other informations and maybe some downloads.


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