HK-47 - Assassin Droid

Box art for HK-47 - Assassin Droid For: Knights of the Old Republic
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Drewton is a modder who has made quite an impact of late, with his various texture and skin mods for the [i]Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic[/i] series, which he has hosted here at FileFront. He has produced many high quality skins, and he has returned today, to add another to his collection.

This time he has created a skin for the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game, based around everyone's favorite assassin droid, the one and only, HK-47. The author has based his latest skinning effort on the character in [i]Star Wars: The Force Unleashed[/i] - PROXY. He has changed the colours of the armour plating on HK's body, to a mix of grey and purple-ish colours which work well in my opinion, and he has also added some electrical energy to the hip joints, which the author says don't look as he initially intended, but evidently, he was satisfied enough not to remove them.

He has added some wires to HK's middle section, and has added a pretty cool yellow-orange chamber on the chest area, much like PROXY. The eyes have also been recoloured yellow, to match the rest of the skin.

This is a pretty well executed skin overall, though whether or not it is to your taste is of course a matter of personal opinion. A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at the screenshots to check whether this mod is something you can see yourself playing with in your [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game.


[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
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