Top Empire at War Tools This Week

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The best tools for Empire at War like editors, explorers, graphics editors, etc. Empire at War is a computer game for PC. We have reset our counter from 2025-03-10 and these tools have been downloaded since then.

Empire at War is a pretty popular game for the PC and tools make it more fun. You can even upload your Empire at War tools on LoneBullet and become a part of the community. The below tools are sorted by number of downloads this current week:

  1. XModManager A utillity made by X-Scissor used to easily activate/use and organize the various mods for Empire at...
  2. EAW Map Editor After much waiting and anticipation, Petroglyph's Empire at War Map Editor is finally available for ...
  3. SMG XML Editor for EAW and FoC This is an XML editor for Empire at War and Forces of Corruption.
  4. Snow Prop Pack This file is a pack of reskinned game props so that they may be used in an arctic setting. Not mu...
  5. yoden prop pack 1 foc I'm sure most of you are familiar with [file="84358"]IG-11's Prop Pack[/file]. Yoden has taken that ...
  6. Mapping Tutorial (EnglishGerman) Mapping Tutorial (English/German) is a wonderfully done mapping tutorial by Locutus. This tutorial ...
  7. yoden prop pack eaw 1 Do you remember seeing [file="100588"]Yoden's Prop Pack FOC[/file] and saying to yourself: "Boy, tha...
  8. basic EAW map turtorial My friend showed interest in mapping and he had no clue how to even begin. It\'s a pity that Petrogl...
  9. Alternative Mod Launcher EN DE First, let me preface this by saying that I don't have Windows 7 or have any access to it. So this h...
  10. Empire at War Story Creator The Story Creator is a tool that allows modders to create story events in a fast and simple way. It...
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