Apprentice's Profile

Apprentice (80)
Member Since: 2017-12-03
Last Active: 2020-06-28
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Apprentice's Recently Uploaded Files

U.S.S Leonov - "The Animal" - Outline THREE1504 downloads0 comments
U.S.S Leonov - "The Animal" - Elite Force II DEMO1044 downloads0 comments
Battlestar Bellerophon - Texture pack1813 downloads0 comments
Battlestar Bellerophon - Outline ONE1575 downloads0 comments
80 points
About Apprentice

Location: Coruscant
Veteran and independent mapper for previously Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, nowadays for Jedi Academy and other idtech3 games. Developer of the 2004's highly regarded and signature map "Asteroid Base" for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (now available for Jedi Academy).
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