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Member Since: 2023-08-31
Last Active: 2023-09-01
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NBA 2KTV HD811 downloads0 comments
20 points

Location: United States
NBA 2KTV HD Hi, Thanks for downloading 2KTV!!! 2KTV focuses strickly on the "MY SEASON MODE" only so you will have to pick a team to play with in your seasons!!! This is a 2 game mod (LIVE 08 AND LIVE 07) Its a lot of difference done to this mod like 'DO NOT USE'buttons(your game will crash if you press those),and its no allstar weekend games, or no dynasty mode,its strickly "MY SEASON MODE"!!!.SO PLEASE ALWAYS SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EVERY GAME YOU PLAY Feel free to load your own musIc in your jukebox just go to "MY 2KTV" button at the main menu. It is also legendary nba players playing with todays superstar players on each team so pick your team wisely!!! Please go to roster management in the main menu and go to the "NEW" button to look at your rosters and see who u wanna play with. Please do not go to any load buttons in the roster management mode, playoffs mode, or my season mode or your game will crash!!! Please load and save from the options/load or save button areas only IF YOU DONT SAVE OR LOAD FROM THIS AREA THEN YOUR GAME WILL CRASH!!! Also its no trading or creating players!!! 2KTV also includes a jersey mod so its no select jersey buttons!!! Legendary players,todays players, villians,and heros have there on set jerseys!!! 2KTV has a zip file in the ai/act folder for different jumpshots and dunks open that file for futher directions and also a liting zip file in the sgsm folder, open that file for different litings and Also if u wanna play online u can connect "ip to ip" just go to play online button at the main menu to see futher directions!!! ITS ALOT MORE YOU WILL NOTICE IN THIS MOD TOO ITS ALOT MORE!!! I HOPE U ARE READY FOR THIS CHALLENGE OF "08'07" IN A WHOLE NEW ORDER, THIS IS 2KTV!!! ARE YOU READY!!! SPECIAL THANKS TO THE NLSC FAMILY FOR HELPING WITH THIS MOD!!! THIS IS FOR ALL THE "Live 08" AND "Live 07" PC BOOMMERS!!! NOTE...YOU WILL NEED THE [DRVMGT.DLL] FILE, THE [GDPERF.VXD] FILE, AND THE [SECDRV.SYS] FROM NBA LIVE 07 OR NBA LIVE 08 ALREADY IN YOUR 2KTV MAIN DIRECTORY FOLDER FOR THIS MOD TO WORK...NBA LIVE 07 3 FILES WILL WORK OR NBA LIVE 08 3 FILES WILL WORK...IF YOU ARE FIMILIAR WITH THE NBA LIVE 08 OR NBA LIVE 07 MAIN DIRECTORY FILES, YOU WILL KNOW WHICH FILES YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK... (THE FILES ARE ON YOUR ORIGINAL NBA LIVE 08 OR NBA LIVE 07 CD DISC)..... ANY QUESTIONS OR ANSWERS FOR THIS MOD PLEASE EMAIL "[email protected]" OR "[email protected]"
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