Whiterabbit01's Profile

Whiterabbit01 (20)
Member Since: 2019-05-14
Last Active: 2019-08-11
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Whiterabbit01's Recently Uploaded Files

Slaughter on the Beach1918 downloads2 comments
20 points
About Whiterabbit01

Location: Poynton nr Manchester UK
Love playing games like Battlefield 2, Vietcong, Men of Valor, Warhammer, Elder Scrolls, Tom Clancy, Left 4 Dead, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, Conan Exiles, some strategy games such as the Total War franchise, Train, Plane and Building sims, physics based games and most breakout, tower defense and shmup arcade games. Until recently I spent a lot of time beta testing for various indie developers such as 2DBoy (World of Goo), Dejobaan Games AaAAaa: A Total Disregard for Gravity and others, loads of arcade games for Alawar games e.g. the Farm Frenzy franchise, and PieEyed Games (Arklight, Scavenger and DarkSide) as well as others, plus AAA developers such as EA Games, Epic Games and Ubisoft.
Recent comments by Whiterabbit01

Please excuse the typo's in my description above and the off subject stuff.
Wow, I only uploaded the file less than 10 min's ago and already there's been 5 downloads. Be warned, this is not in the same class as the authors I mention in the description i.e. Hayabusa, The Dark, Jones, IamtheHeadHunter,BierPizzaChips, Shanejohn, Froachman etc. But it is still lot's of fun to play. All flags have loads of armor and the carrier has plenty of helicopters and a few jets. You have to run up to the carrier as the spawn point is located on the beach; you can drive up quicker.
If anyone has Mercs v 11 I really need that particular version as I have an unreleased addon that added destructible objects to all Hayabusas mercs maps. But it only works with Mercs 11. I dropped the backup external drive I have the mod backup up on and its no longer accessible and I've been unable to find a copy of the mod online. I found Mercs 11 server files, but I need the client.
This version of slaughter on the Beach by Bigfoot48us is corrupted. The packed executable is missing something and will not allow you to install the map. I've uploaded a working version on this site via the following link@ https://www.lonebullet.com/maps/download-slaughter-on-the-beach-battlefield-2-map-level-free-72554.htm
Thank you.
Thank you