sushovansur's Profile

sushovansur (1049)
Member Since: 2016-06-29
Last Active: 2022-10-28
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sushovansur's Recently Uploaded Files

Call of Chernobyl2016 downloads0 comments
Viking Conquest DLC1786 downloads0 comments
Honda 900 CBR 1992 StreetFighter1064 downloads0 comments
Ultra Realistic Graphics 4K5339 downloads1 comments
Vanilla Graphics Enhancer1354 downloads0 comments
Quincentennial Mod (Full)4803 downloads0 comments
2013-2014 v1.1 Patch2627 downloads0 comments
2015-2016 v0.5 Patch5261 downloads0 comments
Widescreen Resolution10571 downloads0 comments
The Sims 4 : Microsoft Surface Pro tab Mod1354 downloads0 comments
1049 points
About sushovansur

Location: west bengal
I live in west bengal and love to eat fish
Recent comments by sushovansur

Press the white and green download button. Then open the zip file you get, copy its contents to the 'sav' folder in your 'URU' folder. I haven't played it, so don't have much idea.
[How to install this skin] ----------------------------------- Inside this 7zip file you will find two files: .upl file goes to UT2003/system .utx file goes to UT2003/textures
This is a +3 trainer, that lets you enable: -Unlimited Health -Unlimited Nitro -One Hit Kill Nice overall! Good upload OP!
Thanks a lot for the upload! Hope to see more future uploads from the M.O.M. Clan on LoneBullet. Here is an English translation for our non-German friends.
1.Nachschubataillon 520 Number of players: 10-20 Playable factions: Americans, Germans Playable gametypes: * TDM, DM / FFA Name of the console: 1NschuBtl520 Description of the map: Created by: M.O.M.-Clan This is the 1.Nachschubbataillon 520 (1NschuBtl520). The whole scenario Plays on an army terrain with some "EXTRAS". - Small but fine extras: Electric fence (around the forest area) - Destroyable walls (bunker next to the waterfall), elevator, very large tunnel system, secret to the farm