BASE Jumping ENG

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Created by Russian developer Digital Dimension Developmment production titled B.A.S.E. is designed for PCs skydiving Simulator made by standing on the ground objects. Name of the discipline and at the same time, the title of the game is the abbreviation for English expressions on the place of performance of the jump: building, antenna, span, Earth (in the sense of natural rock formations). It is quite dangerous, but providing many emotional sport.
B.A.S.E. allows you to taste the emotion accompanying extreme jumps in spadochronowym. In it were all elements of travel, starting from the same leave home platform by skydive, air acrobatics, parachute flight and landing. Our jumper must contend not only with the force of gravity, but also with the wind and turbulence. With each successive jumps are gaining experience, which enables us to meet new acrobatic skills. In the game there were also special equipment for skydiving. We can choose between dozens of diverse elements, modeled on real equipment.
Note: Demo in English.
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