Hearts of Iron 3 ENG

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Hearts of Iron 3 is the next installment of a series of acclaimed turn-based strategy, topics relating to World War II. The player takes both the organisation of military operations, as well as learning about complex depending on the economic, political and social and economic. The main attraction of the third part of the series is the possibility of turning the struggle on a huge world map games, divided into about 10,000 of the province.
The action program set in the years 1936-1948. Thanks to this treatment the player has time to prepare selected by himself to the war conflagration that swept the world in 1939. It is worth noting that the authors Hearts of Iron III, a Swedish company Paradox, very seriously treat the story so that all authentic events taking place during these twelve years, they have a huge chance to be in the game. Everything else depends on the conduct of the game and having a person or TAM elbrun was in front of a computer.
Note: The Demo includes the tutorial and the campaign of 1939. Allows you to play the first 4 months of IIW�, the following Nations: Germany, France, Poland, United Kingdom.
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