Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday

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Doomsday is the subtitle of the extensions to Hearts of Iron 2-the second part of one of the best strategies in history, moving about the turbulent history of the second world war. Unlike other publications of this type, that extra is a fully stand-alone production. For Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday consist of material from the original game plus introduced novelties.
Featured add-on extends the virtual realities of the struggle until 1953 (appear here new missions in the style of the conflict in Israel). In the Doomsday also implements a completely alternative World War II scenario to be played, which allows you to check how it would order on the planet, if military action were different than we know it from the textbooks of history. In addition, the creators of the distance from the more elaborate tree technological development (at the time of the arms race we can construct different kinds of weapons, including nuclear, we find helicopters, etc.), as well as the ability to keep buying patents on new weapons from their allies.
Note: The Demo allows for unfettered game for a period of 3 hours.
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