Lost Empire: Immortals

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Lost Empire: Immortals is a game of turn-based strategy space in the style of Master of Orion and Galactic Civilization, often referred to as 4 x, or eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate (explore, grow, use, eksterminuj). It is a development of the previous Game Studio Pollux Gamelabs, the title Lost Empire.
Though the story is actually just an excuse to show the wealth of possibilities and combinations of the options during the game, it is also worth to mention. Well, many centuries ago, there was the Galaxy which is currently only a legend, alien race-Aeon�w. They invented technology for space travel. In the days of its glory colonized space and tested it by teaching other Nations encountered. An end to their rule has laid the first Galactic War. Unfortunately, along with their fall also six other civilization has lost in importance, and as a result reversed in the development to the era prior to the conquest of space. These include imperia People, Horde, Tritons, Megalan�w, Alkith�w and Krzyszta�owych spirits.
Note: The Demo allows you to play over 350 turns. We can guide People in the fight against Megalanian race and Horde.
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