Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Modwooty Demo

Box art for Modwooty Demo For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Let me start off by saying that this is a demo for a Jedi Academy mod. Then let me say that this is a long demo.

A very long demo indeed. Demos are wonderful things, provided you make them correctly. Correctly meaning making them so that everyone can watch them (I didn\'t have a problem, so kudos on that), and making them short enough so that people WILL watch them (I got pretty bored). But to be frank, this demo was way too long. It also lacked the content that you would expect in a trailer. Sure, it showed some of the features, but they kept getting repeated. Over and over and over again. It was like it never stopped. And most of the time the character that you followed was just trying to throw people into a pit. Something that I\'m sure you\'ve all seen. There were some interesting things in this, such as dexterity saves, I even saw other stats such as strength and constitution. But where were the intelligence, charisma, and wisdom scores? Meh. There are cool things in this mod, like leveling, from what I could tell. But the fights do get repetitive, and I think that this mod could be better served by a well planned trailer.

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