Sins of a Solar Empire Sacrifice of Angels 2 demo

Box art for Sacrifice of Angels 2 demo For: Sins of a Solar Empire
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This is a demo mod of Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 for Sins of a Solar Empire.

The demo mod features six playable factions, and most of the canon Dominion War era ships from the Star Trek universe.

The mod itself is a continuation of the original Sacrifice of Angels mod for Homeworld. It will use many of the same models, and effects created for that mod. SoA 2 is being developed by the remnants of the old Trekmod's team (the team that developed the original SoA mod). Along with digital Underground, and contributions from the finest artist in the trek mod community.

Understand that this is only a demo. More work needs to be done, and the mod still needs balancing. It is just a taste of things to come.
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