Description Takeda 2 is the sequel released in 2002, real time strategy, by Magitech Corporation. Like its predecessor, the Takeda 2 presents players with a tumultuous period in the history of Japan-Sengoku Jidai-a period of civil wars carried out by rival Lords. The player takes on the character of Daimyo, 16th-century feudal Lord, who wants to win the title of Shogun-the most powerful Commander of the Japanese army.
The gameplay in Takeda 2 can be divided into two stages. First, the planning mode, thanks to which we can watch their territorial gains, create and move armies, supervise the cities and characters, engage in diplomacy or send troops against ninja enemies. It is played in rounds. The second stage of the game is a 3D battle in real time, so that we can directly confront enemies. Note: The Demo contains one battle with the three campaigns: Takeda, Ode and Nageo.