Star Trek: Bridge Commander Uss Vesta

Box art for Uss Vesta For: Star Trek: Bridge Commander
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The Vesta class had entered service by September 2380. The class is named after the Roman goddess of hearth and home and only seven ships of her class are currently in servise and are named after the seven hills of Rome (Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal).

The class was designed as a multi-mission explorer with state of the art technologies and a number of experimental technologies, including quantum slipstream drive, mark XII phaser cannons, a multidimensional wave-function analysis module, a sympathetic fermion transceiver, and a chroniton integratorto take sensor readings several seconds into the future when the ship was using its slipstream drive.

The Vesta Class was found to be one of the few Starfleet classes able to mount an effective defense against the Borg and were assigned to defend the Federation's core systems, including Sol, Vulcan, Andor and Tellar.

dimensions: 672 meters long, 182 meters wide, and 87 meters tall
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