Ancient Reborn

Box art for Ancient Reborn For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Has anyone ever wondered what it takes to make a reborn ancient?

No? Well, you're going to be [i]so[/i] shocked by the answer - desaturation! Oh my god, who knew?

That's basically all this skin is. A greyscale reborn, with a faint sepia tone on the front torso, and green eyes which aren't even visible because of the hood's shadow. Nothing more, nothing less. According to the readme there is more, but I don't see anything on the texture, even at full zoom in Photoshop.

Apparently, this was inspired by accidentally downloading Bael's skinning tutorial. One of the rules of modding, is that you don't do something after accidentally stumbling on it. In order to mod, you need to put an effort in, which sadly hasn't been done with this skin.

Selecting an image and firing off the desaturate tool does not make a skin. Skinning involves creating a texture or heavily modifying a pre-existing texture to make it different. Not clicking one menu option in Photoshop, pressing CTRL+S, and saying "Wa-hey I made a skin!".

For any future would-be skinners, please don't start off like this. Whether it's just adding a pattern to a Raven model's skin, or taking your time, going through lots of tutorials and making something classy, please, just don't click one button and say it's a skin. Make something that takes effort, and not something that takes less than 10 seconds and has literally hundreds of duplicates on the internet already.

Anyway, if you like the looks of this, and you don't already have one of the legions of skins exactly like it, the link awaits.

~ Kouen

[b]Bot Support:[/b] No
[b]NPC Support:[/b] No
[b]Team Support:[/b] No (default Reborn_New skins)
[b]New Sounds:[/b] No
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