Bespin: Escape

Box art for Bespin: Escape For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Jendo7's map Bespin: Escape is a large-scale urban map set on the planet Bespin in the floating Cloud City. It's essentially a heavily redone Cloud City-esque map. Although this map is a v3.5, the last version of the map was released in December 2009... so it's been a long time since we've seen this one on the site.

The map is set around an open courtyard-like area in the center. There are a couple command posts in this area. A hallway network surrounds the courtyard on most of its sides, with more CPs to capture up in the halls. There are several flyers located on platforms throughout the map, and one will occasionally spawn on them. There are also walkers in the courtyard for your enjoyment. The map has a carbon freezing chamber and a flyable Millenium Falcon to add to its list of features. It's very well put together, well designed, and overall very fun to play.

This version of the map, purportedly the Final version, contains several new features. It has support for the Dark Times era, if you have that mod installed, some new skies and lighting (which in my opinion look excellent), better soundstreams, some new skins and appearance changes for the sides, and a few other bug fixes. It's a nice improvement to an already great map.

If you've never played the first versions of the map, this is definitely worth your downloading time- it's an excellent map and will provide you with lots of entertainment. Even if you have played it before, download it again. The changes make it feel a lot newer, especially with the new skydomes.

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