Carths Clothing Reskin

Box art for Carths Clothing Reskin For: Knights of the Old Republic
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A lot of people apparently dislike Carth's jacket. I can understand why, really - it's such a [i]bright[/i] orange colour - although it could be worse - the concept art for KotOR has him in a bright red jacket! I suppose it's lucky that they toned it down before release. :)

Nevertheless, his default clothing as comes with the game could do with toning down.

Darth Xander brings before us a reskin of Carth's clothes. In this skin, Carth's jacket is grey, the trousers are black, and the holsters and knee-pads are also grey. Darth Xander has also reskinned the portrait to match this new body skin.

[b]NB:[/b] Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.

-Darth InSidious
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