Description A small, chokepoint, two player, yellow zone map. East versus West. The Tiberium is mixed in, blue with green which looks cool, but it doesn\'t work as planned. This is a very small map with the camera zoomed in close with the sides divided by a river. Across that river is one bridge which is destroyable. There are two silos, a reinforcement pad and a spike for one player while there is 1 silo, 1 spike a mutant hovel and a subway system for the other.
AI is supported.
Decently textured. It could use a bit of improvement in a few places, but overall good.
Only one destroyable chokepoint might lead to some long battles. The mixed tiberium leads to you getting the warning \'Tiberium field depleated\' when it actually isn\'t, and your harvesters will go searching for another patch. This is a nasty problem there. Also, the camera is so close it causes some graphical errors when you zoom in all the way.
This map needs improvement. It might be too hard to win on this map due to the chokepoint, the reinforcement pad is useless, and the tiberium bug is bad.