
Box art for craplava For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Are you in the mood for some fun[i]Elite Force[/i] gaming...but don\'t want anything too serious? Are you just looking to sit back, have some relaxing gaming moments, and not worry about who the winner is going to be? Do you want to play for kicks and giggles, and walk away with a smile on your face? If so, then you\'re about to download the answer to these questions!

Chilla-X had a spare 15 minutes, and decided to put that time use by creating a map for your merriment; As you may have guessed after reading the file name, this map is designed to be light hearted and please check all seriousness and combative attitudes at the door, and enjoy this map! [b]craplava[/b] is available in three gamemodes: DM, TDM and CTF. There are only two spawnpoints for DM and four team spawn points, so it is only good for either a duel or a 2v2 CTF/TDM.

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