Demonic MP Bots: Rendrocs Warzone for RtH30

Box art for Demonic MP Bots: Rendrocs Warzone for RtH30 For: Brothers in Arms
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This latest version of WarZone includes the alpha-test version of the DemonicMP bots.

Demonic MP is a Mutator for Multiplayer (Online or LAN) that allows you to play against (and with) computer-controlled Demon players. In the Multiplayer match creation menu, select DemonicMP from the mutators, and then start the match.

Demons will make room for Human players as long as the match hasn't started. Humans joining while a match is already in progress will only be allowed to join the server as spectators until the next match.

This is an Alpha test. The full version should be available next month.

This video shows me and another Demon on the US team versus two Demons on the German team.

This installation has the latest WarZone files, including CommandMod and DangerousAI.
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