Dyuxx: Sunken Hallow

Box art for Dyuxx: Sunken Hallow For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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There are a few things that, for the most part, are general assumptions that people can make about someone's first map. Most times, they will use lots of stock sides material, most times there will be a very "Yavin" feel to their maps (since Yavin IV's textures and skydome are the defaults).

This map is the author's first map, and yes, it does follow the general rule above. Honestly, though, the skydome isn't a bad fit, although it's very difficult for me to appreciate any use of that skydome since it's so overused. The ground textures could also be changed up a bit to fit more with what theme I think the author was going for. (Maybe some Dagobah or Felucia textures would be better).

This map is a pretty straightforward map. The fighting is mostly linear, although one CP is underground (which results in the AI largely ignoring it). There's a pretty decent use of tree props and small pools of water to create a swamp-ish effect.

To the author, I'd recommend blending the terrain a bit, and possibly changing the texture and skydome. Yes, they fit, but I certainly appreciate seeing something new every so often. Good job on object placement, though, especially for a first map.

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