Jack051093s Reminiscenes Map Pack

Box art for Jack051093s Reminiscenes Map Pack For: Dawn of War Dark Crusade
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[b]Map 1 - Blood Lust (PRERELEASED)[/b]
I have created an interesting 7-player map to keep you all occupied, with each army having a player\'s start position on the map. Basically, player 1 is Space Marines, 2 is Eldar, 3 is Necrons, and so on. This map is designed for free for all, and each player has an even amount of map. And what\'s more, there are 7 small islands in the map, each with their own teleporter, near each player\'s base. Each island has 1 slag deposit, 1 relic, and 3 strategic points.

[b]Map 2 - Beach Capture (UPDATED)[/b]
A reasonable sized map for 2 players, in which there are two ways to the enemies\' base. Two relics lie near the centre, so control that area, and you control the game.

[b]Map 3 - Sacred Words (PRERELEASED)[/b]
Another of my \'messing around\' maps really, with the letters \'DAWNOFWAR\' sticking out of the ground, but made quite a good map, so here it is. Oh yeah, BTW, it\'s 2 players.

[b]Map 4 - Escaping War (PRERELEASED)[/b]
Yet another \'messing around\' map, which I love. For 4 players, it is basically a HUGE maze (512x1024) in which you must navigate and defend carefully if you wish to overcome the on-coming enemies. Best played as 2v2.

[b]Map 5 - Garden Valley (PRERELEASED)[/b]
A 4 player map, which took a very long time to make, and includes some custom decals (the steps - I think they turned out quite well). Best for 2v2. There are 2 ways to the enemy\'s base, on two sets of stairs.

[b]Map 6 - Streets of Caliban (UPDATED)[/b]
A 4 player map set in a city called Caliban. Now don\'t lecture me on fluff and stuff, I know there is something wrong with me calling it Caliban (can\'t remember what though) but I didn\'t want to change the original\'s name. I got rid of the lairy bright red-orange decals around the side, and made it look nicer, also, there are more buildings, and more secrets to be discovered!

[b]Map 7 - Temple Capture (UPDATED)[/b]
Another 2v2 map, which is set in the jungle, with a temple in it (a recurring theme in my maps). This is one of my favourites. Now has better trees and stuff, along with other things.

[b]Map 8 - Protecting Pavonis (UPDATED)[/b]
A 1v1 map, set in the necron tombworld before the Imperium invaded and the Nightbringer left. For this version, I got rid of the lairy decals (again), and replaced them with decals that fit in more.

[b]Map 9 - Lost in Time and Space I (PRERELEASED)[/b]
\"A library harnessing the strength of a world was overpowered. The power created portals to other worlds, while the inhabitants of the library were destroyed. Now there are 5 worlds, 4 armies, 3 enemies, and 2 gates to your world, but there can only be 1 victor.\"

A four player map, in which the Manipulatus machine has created portals to other worlds. You must fight in them.

[b]Map 10 - Lost in Time and Space II (PRERELEASED)[/b]
\"The fabrics of time are gradually ripping away. The fight is greater, occupying 16 worlds now. We don\'t stand a chance.\" - Guardsman of the 21st regiment, region unknown.
\"We are sorry, we cannot supress the power of the Manipulatus machine... the power of Space and Time... what have we done?!\" - Transmission received 2 months ago, region unknown.

Another four player map, the sequel to Lost in Time and Space I. There are now 16 worlds to fight in. Can you control them all?

[b]Map 11 - Lost in Time and Space III (NEW!)[/b]
\"This world has seen many changes. It was once hot, like the boiling plains of Nocturne, and, according to the earliest of records, was filled with a dense jungle. But now, all we see is snow, and the bloody corpses of our fallen allies. We have no idea what has happened here... hold on, what\'s this!? It is like no daemonic power we have seen before... surely, not even a daemon could shake the ground itself?!...\" - Transmission received earlier this month, Pavonis Sector.
\"We are sorry, we cannot supress the power of the Manipulatus machine... the power of Space and Time... what have we done?!\" - Transmission received 2 months ago, region unknown.

A fortress-style Lost in Time and Space map. I think this one was created to see how well a change in style for the Lost in Time and Space series would go down.

[b]Map 12 - Cyberspace (PRERELEASED)[/b]
This map is a 1v1 map that uses only custom decals and heightmap (along with gameplay objects). The decals were made in a matter of minutes, making sure they were just right for the setting of map I wanted to create - cyberspace. It is a 256x256 map, includes 2 critical locations, 2 easily defended relics, and a number of strategic points.

[b]Map 13 - Skull Hill (PRERELEASED)[/b]
Skull Hill - that tril map which didn\'t really work, but it makes for quite an interesting game, so it\'s cool.
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