Kamino Breakout

Box art for Kamino Breakout For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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With [u]Kamino: Breakout[/u], Phazon_Elite brings us his stylized version of the stock Kamino map. It [i]is[/i] the Kamino map, no part touched, so those of you familiar with the map will feel right at home. What Phazon's done is give us a new take on what he feels the units should be, in addition to adding in hunt and hero assault modes.

The most apparent thing about this map is the change in the Republic side. He spent the most amount of time on this, and it shows. He's revamped the setup of the heavy trooper class, tweaked most if not all of their weapons, and added the Clone Commando as an unlockable unit. He also spent a good deal of time localizing the weapons to their (presumably) accurate names. The CIS is not unchanged, though, either. Perhaps the largest change (for the CIS) is giving the Magnaguard back his staff, which I'm a fan of. Also, Phazon's reskinned the CIS to a light-ish blue.

GCW modes are largely unchanged, although Clone Commando fans will be pleased to note that the Clone Commando makes an appearance as the Imperial Clone Commando for the Empire. In both modes (CW and GCW), however, it appears that the addition of commando units comes at a cost to that team, as any side with commandoes has no hero. Also, and somewhat inexplicably, Han Solo was relocalized to "Ham Salad."

Hunt mode is interesting in that it pits the Imperials against the Republic, apparently out-of-canon. The Imperial side, this time, is the one that remains largely unchanged, and perhaps to its detriment. It falls quickly to the modified Republic side. (In a particularly memorable first runthrough, I managed to win hunt mode as an ARC trooper with the Imperials only getting one or two kills the whole game. Total.)

Finally, Hero Assault. I can't say I was a fan of this - although to be fair, I don't have the conversion pack. I'm not a huge fan of having to download an entire mod to play a map. However, it's certainly not like this is the only mode of play for this map, so it's not really skin off my back. Hero Assault was also notably sloppy - it looked like it was cobbled together from an assault map, a 2-flag map, and a conquest map.

Anyway, sloppiness aside, it's not buggy except for one problem with the Jango unit in CW Conquest, which may cause a CTD. Further notes on that in the readme.

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