Middle Earth

Box art for Middle Earth For: Battle for Middle Earth
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Here comes a new Middle Earth map!!

I have worked on it for years, and now with servers shutdown at the end of the month, i have to release it as sort of tribute to this game.

This a 2V2 multiplayer map with team and armies fixed in game (typically Gondor-Rohan VS Isengard-Mordor)
Choose random army to have an army corresponding to your spot.
Many places of Middle earth are includes in this map : Minas Tirith, Edoras, Helms deep, Isengard, Fangorn, Lothlorien, Amon Hen, Emyn Muil, dead marches, Cair Andros, north of Ithilien, Shelobs lair, Ciryth Ungol, Barâd dur....

Elves can be unlocked for Rohan if you send correct units to meet them, same for free ents council (remind the film).

Includes lot of creeps, no additional camp, all faction start with 9 building plots except Mordor which has 8 only at starts (unlock Ciryth Ungol for 9th and more xD).


I have planned to release in few days a version with pre-builds spot in order to be playable in skirmish.
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