MultiPlayer Xtra Source Code

Box art for MultiPlayer Xtra   Source Code For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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OK, before I say another word, I'd just like to add that this mod is [b]not finished[/b], and therefore it is [b]not recommended[/b] for online use.

What we have here, is a new serverside mod built off the SDK. Sadly, there's no features list, and as much as I'd love to test it and list everything I find, I've just come out of a fresh Windows XP reinstall and don't want to try anything unstable. Sorry, but other than what the screenshots show, I don't know much about what this one does.

From the areas of the code that I read through, the code seems solid enough, and I could find no instantly recognisable security threats.

Take care, when installing the pre-compiled mod into the gamedata folder, to make sure that you [b]ONLY[/b] copy the folder and files listed in the installation.txt.

The most important thing about this file is that as well as a pre-installed version, this abandonware project also contains the source code, which is free for anyone to use as long as full credit is given to XharocK.

Well, what more can I really say? Have fun!

~ Kouen

(I'd like to take this time to apologise for the delay in getting this up. There's really no excuse other than simple human error, so you have my sincere apologies.)

Side note: Does anyone else find it stupid that using HTML to change the font color to "lightred" creates a [u]blue[/u] font? :rolleyes:
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