Mygeeto Assault: Protector

Box art for Mygeeto Assault: Protector For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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[i]*After restocking my mouth with some of my remaining Halloween candy I have begun on this, my first review. I will try to give as fair a view as possible of this map and subsequent maps that I may review. If you don’t want to read the whole long thing, just skip to the last paragraph for the paraphrase.*[/i]

Today for your downloading delight we have Mygeeto Assault: Protector by Commander_Fett. This map is the second version and has been greatly improved. Pardon me as I allow the ReadMe to interject and tell you the story of this map.

Clone Wars: The Venator Class Star Destroyer Protector was criticaly dammaged on its way to Mygeeto, crashing onto the freezing surface Alzoc III. The troops aboard prepare a desperate deffense against oncoming CIS forces.
Galactic Civil War: A group of rebels have discovered the crash site of two ships from the clone wars. Soon after they landed, they were detected by an imperial patrol, who now advance on the rebel troops.

One of the major changes between this map and the previous version is the change from a Yavin-esque landscape to a snowy one more akin to Hoth. Another resemblance between Hoth and Protector is the tunnel system linking the two different sides of the battle. These tunnels are new to this version and add change the flow of the battle in a very welcome way. More action, less walking. More trees, to the anger of speederbike pilots everywhere, have been added in this version. But now, more fitting to their new environment, they have a snowish tinge.

Two of the major issues plaguing the last version were balance and lack of cover. The second one (for the most part) has been fixed by adding more trees and by making the height of the terrain vary more. Balance on the other hand has still not been achieved and victories are usually very lopsided.

[i]*[b]Modders Side Note:[/b] This particular map suffers from FirstPersonToGetToTheCenterOfTheMapWins-sitis. Don’t be alarmed by the long name, this malady is usually non-fatal and in this case it is quite curable. Here are a couple general suggestions: (1. Change the layout of command posts and objects in ways that will affect units. Sometimes a properly placed crate or a CP that’s 5 feet closer can change the entire flow of the battle. (2. Mess around with the number of units on the field and the reinforcement counts.

I’m very aware of how hard it is to balance maps. It is one of the most difficult things to do in any map. * [/i]

Despite this map’s balance problems, this is a good beginner’s map. The creator went the extra mile with all the things that, in my mind, make a map awesome. Along with a loadscreen, a minimap and new skins have been added. The author shows a good grasp of modding fundamentals in this map. I am interested to see what he’ll be doing next.

If I had to pick one map to compare this to, I would have to say one of DarthDaddy’s Capital down maps.

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