New New York

Box art for New New York For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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That's right, another map by SpaZe. He sure does map fast ;).

Anyway, on with the review. This map is based on [quote]New New York in the year 3000 (idea from the series of Futurama) [/quote] I do watch futurama sometimes and I like it alot, who doesn't. However, this map isn't exactly futurama style, it has all the concepts of Futurama which is a great thing, from the flying cars to the transportation tubes. So I'd like to warn you now, if you want some ub3r canon futurama rubbish, stop reading now. But, if you want a good, well thought out map, keep reading :P.

You start off in one of the "transporation tubes" which is quite fun because you get pushed up to the top, onto one of the walkways. From there, you can walk about, collecting guns/powerups/ammo etc. I also believe the mapper may have taken into account what I said last time because he's placed the powerups etc. in more strategical places and more sparsely, which is good :D. There are quite alot of "goodies" in this map, especially some of the cars ;).

Now, onto the general layout, the map is actually quite small. It consists of two main levels, from what I could gather. The ground level and the upper level which had the insides of the buildings and walkways etc. You have to be careful and not fall, but falling doesn't do much damage really anyway, which seems quite strange because of the height, but it can only be a good thing not hurting yourself too much when you fall.

I did remember having one nitpick about this map though, is that it's quite small and the skybox, as nice as it is, isn't exactly a city type skybox. It seems more as if you're in a square with buildings surrounded by a desert, lol. However, don't put that off downloading. Go ahead, download and play it, see what you think ;).

- Ryan
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