RPG Daedalus

Box art for RPG Daedalus For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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The next in a recent line of RPG-X maps has arrived... ;)

[b]Gurhy[/b] brings us his new [b]RPG Daedalus[/b] map, based on the Deathmatch level from [b]HorckDude[/b]. The Daedalus-class starship was an early class of Starfleet vessel. The class was commissioned soon after the formation of the Federation in 2161 and decommissioned in the early twenty-third century.

This [b]USS Alliance[/b] map has all the usual features of a roleplaying map, such as Bridge, Engineering, Brig and briefing room, but curiously no Crew Quarters or Sickbay and a large number of doors don't lead anywhere. There are, however, some unique features including an interesting armory, working shuttlecraft, a rather good admin room and even a panel on the bridge that will simulate an enemy attack with exploding consoles and shaking, but this has the obvious problem of being abused. One key concept carried over from the original Deathmatch map is space walking, where you can walk and float around the exterior of the entire ship, something not seen in almost [i]any[/i] RP map currently. Stay away from the Bussard collectors, though. :p

RPG Daedalus is a good solid map, but I get the feeling that it would only be good for small group roleplays, or roleplays with considerable combat, and whilst the special features are impressive, they could easily be abused. Certainly worth a download, though. I would be interested in what kind of RPs come from this. :)

~ Luke20 (The Tenth Doctor)
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