Scorpions Desert Town

Box art for Scorpions Desert Town For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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"Scorpion's Desert Town v2" (incase your wondering, v1 was submitted a day uploading it seemed pretty pointless) is scorpion8ssc8's second map at SWBF Files, and as begginer maps go is pretty decent. It's set in a mos-eisley-ish town, planet unknown, with stock sides and four modes (although only only two are properly playable).

The map itself is pretty well put together, made (almost) exclusively from Mos Eisley assets. There is a random floating prop, but its hard to notice. While well put together, the streets are rather wide and lacking in props and cover, which dulls the appearance and the gameplay a bit.

The appearance of the environment is definitely this maps weak point. Stock objects and textures, no modified lighting, default sky/fog. Not suprising since its a beginner map, but its not pretty.

Conquest gameplay was pretty decent. At no point did I see AI running into objects/buildings (which they seem to in most first maps), and considering its a first map, it was nice to see hintnodes being used (ie the ai use mines, take sniping positions). The gameplay does seem centred around the middle of the map though (but thats hardly suprising considering the default cps were used).
2-flag CTF is...interesting. The AI are very defensive (might have overused certain hintnodes? I'm not sure.), meaning its pretty much up to the player to score points.
There's no point playing 1-flag ctf as it hasn't been set up properly so no ai spawn.
There's very little point in playing Hero Assault since planning hasn't been done for it, so the ai spawn but...don't move.

Anyway, as beginner maps go its decent, and I'm interested to see what future work this mapper/modder will come up with. Download if it sounds interesting or the screens appeal.


PS - for some reason random screens from what looks like a convopack gcw space map were used for the loadscreen. While I'm pleased this mapper figured out loadscreens....that's a bit.....random?
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