TSL Style Launchers for KOTOR

Box art for TSL Style Launchers for KOTOR For: Knights of the Old Republic
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Sith Revan brings us an updated version of his launcher for [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. Below is the original review.

[quote] Ever looked at the original [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] launcher and wished it looked like the one from [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i] game? Well, our newest staff member, Sith Revan thought so. So he decided to do something about it. There’s more. The author also wanted to give us color variety to choose from. He chose to use the traditional lightsaber colors in George Lucas’ vision of blue, red, and green.

One thing the author added was the file update screen. Like if you check for file a update, that screen has been modified too. For those who really know me, I’m not big with launchers, but some people are and like to have different looks to them. When I launch my KOTOR games, I double-click the icon that takes you strait to the game without going through the launcher because I always look at it as it slowing me down to where I want to go. I know many people out there feel differently about it and use the launcher as a motivational way to get ready to play the game like when you hear the music that goes on before you hit your play game button.

I think for launcher lovers, this is a good simple change to go to and one thing that this mod gives you is a variety of colors to use. Enjoy the new launcher options everybody! :D[/quote]Below is the list of what is new in the 2.0 version of this mod.

In this mod, you get new music to excite you to play the game. Since this is based off of TSL, it has the TSL launcher music when you get ready to launch your game. This does give you the feel of TSL when launching your game. Also is new is the uninstaller button that wasn’t there before. New features always are bonuses for mods because it gives us downloaders options to use.

The author made it possible so that you can use the TSL Patcher to install the game and to click which version (color) you want to use. You also have the choice to go back to the original launcher. Personally, I do love the TSL music in the launcher, even though I’m not one to use the launcher that often. To tell you the truth, I like the original KOTOR music better, but not everybody feels that way. Anyway, I hope those who are fans of this original launcher love the new features you get with it.

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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