Battle-Maker Script

Box art for Battle-Maker Script For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Right, this is definitely a script for newcomers, as most veterans who've dealt with cheats would know these commands by now. Case in point, you're looking at a simple .cfg that essentially is a "cheat cheatsheet" You have to open the .cfg in notepad/wordpad/word processing program of your choice and insert your own keys into the configuration. Then after executing the script by the instructions below, you can essentially entertain yourself with large epic wars between stock NPCs. Honestly, I was going to say how cheap and easy this was, but honestly, I thought it over: it's actually a handy tool, if you think about it. Why?

1.) It's fully functional in both SP and MP(although cheats would simply require devmapping)

2.) The binds/commands are there for you to see.

3.) If you know your own NPC/Vehicle codes, you can just as easily insert the names over them.

4.) .Cfgs can be edited at anytime, even when the game is active, so a quick CTRL+S and you can re-exec the .cfg and swap your binds.

Regardless of this, this is still a tool best used by newcomers. Once you realize the simplicity of the .cfg file and the command, you may not need them anymore.

- Averus Retruthan
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