Purgatory Saber Hilt

Box art for Purgatory Saber Hilt For: Knights of the Old Republic
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Today marks a special day in the modding future of our site at FileFront. It also marks a specific debut of our fellow admin, Inyri Forge. This debut is her first lightsaber hilt model and she made it for the original [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. It’s basically a test hilt to learn how to make hilts work in the KOTOR games. To top it off, it’s a fine looking hilt. :D

This particular design is made for Sith Lords from my point of view. The author calls it the Purgatory hilt. Naturally since it is a Sith design hilt, the author made the blade color red. Since it’s a Sith style hilt, the author made it available through game place by being able to get it at the Tomb of Naga Sadow. This particular tomb is where you go and complete your Sith Trials which leads to saber duels with either Yuthura Ban or Uthar Wynn, or both. Most recall when you get the Star Map, there is a Sith Lightsaber in the statue. With the author’s mod, you get her new Sith style hilt there too for now a grand total of two lightsabers during that quest, one being the author's new hilt.

If you are dying to get that hilt earlier in the game, just have your cheats activated and type [b]giveitem g_w_lghtsbr78[/b]. Enjoy the new hilt. Since this is a test lightsaber hilt to see if it can work, the mod style is simple which means it’s not upgradeable, but it does have nice bonuses. It gives you all the two-handed weapon feats so your PC will be a master with using two weapons at the same time, +5 to blaster bolt deflection, 1-6 energy damage, and a chance to paralyze your opponent for three rounds of combat. Enjoy the new hilt. :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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