Description Aliens Survival Experience is a mod for Aliens: Colonial Marines created by Battou (Andrey Egorov). It's goal is to make game more Survival and less COD like. It tweak weapon parameters to be accurate to the Movies universe, and do make real damage to an Aliens. Aliens will become real threat, no more fistfighting with the most deadly killing machine in the universe, if they get close you - you are almost for sure are a deadman. NPC marines and mercs are now deal some more damage to aliens too, they will now have steel BB instead of rubber bullets.))
This project is a combination of two different mods:
1.Survival Mod, it makes aliens deadlier and player more vulnerable, and also makes players and friendly NPC weapons more powerful.
2."No more mercs" mod, it replaces mercs in BugHunt mode with aliens. How to install: consult the readme file