Bagnon v6.8.22

Box art for Bagnon v6.8.22 For: World of Warcraft
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In short, Bagnon is a group of addons that improve the way the player manages his or her inventory.

Included Addons:
* Bagnon_Core - Required for Bagnon and Banknon, the core files for the frames.
* Bagnon - Displays your inventory in a single frame.
* Banknon - Displays your bank in a single frame.
* Bagnon_Options - A load on demand general options menu.
* Bagnon_Spot - Optional, allows simple searching of your bags and bank
* Bagnon_Forever - Optional, Lets you view your bank from anywhere or the inventory/bank of your other characters.

* A single, customizable display for your inventory and one for your bank
* Item Border Coloring - Item slots are colored gold if the slot is for ammo/soul shards. The borders for items are color coded based by their quality (blue items have blue borders, green have green borders, etc).
* View bank from anywhere (requires Bagnon_Forever)
* View other characters' inventory/bank (requires Bagnon_Forever)
* Dynamically Loaded - Bagnon and Banknon are dynamically loaded.
* Modular Design - You can pick and choose which functionality you want.

Using Bagnon and Banknon:

Displaying the frames:
* When enabled, Bagnon and Banknon should be fully intergrated into the UI. It is also possible to view the frames via the keybindings that can be set or the slash commands.

Hiding Bags:
* You can hide a specific bag, like ammo slots, from displaying via shift clicking on that bag from within the Bagnon/Banknon window.

* When unlocked, simply click and drag on the title portion of the frame ([Player]'s Bank|Inventory).

* To access general settings, open up the options menu via /bgn or /bagnon.
* To access per frame settings, right click on the title portion of Bagnon or Banknon. A menu will pop up giving the user several options for modifying the appearance of the frame. To close the menu, simply click anywhere on the background of the menu.

Viewing other character's data (requires Bagnon_Forever or Bagnon_KC):
* Click on the arrow next to your character's name. A menu will pop up giving a list of characters Bagnon knows about. Click on one and Bagnon will display the contents of that character's inventory/bank.

Searching for items:
* Double click on the title of Bagnon of Banknon.

Slash Commands:
* All commands can start with either /bagnon or /bgn.
* /bgn - Shows the option menu, if available.
* /bgn bags - Toggle the display of Bagnon.
* /bgn bank - Toggle the display of Banknon.
* /bgn delete [player] [realm] - Removes inventory data about the given player from Bagnon_Forever.
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