Emod + Tmod with bot routes

Box art for Emod + Tmod with bot routes For: Heretic 2
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Heretic II has two Mods that you can to play DM deathmatch against (bots) - (Emod and Tmod).

First Backup your tmod folder if you have it installed already. Just rename it "tmod backup" in case you prefer to go back to your old tmod installation.

*Note - 158 bot routes for Heretic II
*Note - Tmod install instructions: Copy the tmod "audiere.dll" and the Tmod folder into your Heretic II directory.
*Note - Emod install instructions: Copy the Emod folder into your Heretic II directory.

To start Emod for Heretic II just start Heretic II and bring down the console window and type "game emod" and press enter. Then type exec dedicated.cfg and press enter. The bots will start spawning in about 5 seconds.


T-Mod -Talon's Mod version 1.44 plus "game modes pre-installed" files for Heretic II.

158 Heretic II - DM +FFA maps + bot routes + Tmod Game Modes pre-Installed.

The T-Mod (Talon's Mod) game modes (ffa,dm,skullhunters, and instagib)

What is included in this tmod.
1) T-Mod -Talon's Mod version 1.44 install files for Heretic II pre-installed.
2) 158 DM and ffablade maps/textures/pics installed in the "All the Heretic II - DM +FFA maps" zip file.
3) 158 bot routes for Heretic II/tmod.
4) config folders and all the dedicated files, etc... needed to start playing "dmbot deathmatch, ffa blades with bots, skullhunter with bots, or Instagib with Different Color Lasers and bots".
1) To play "ffablades" with bots - type "game tmod" and press enter. Then type exec ffablades.cfg and press enter.
2) To play "dm" with bots - type "game tmod" and press enter. Then type exec dmbot.cfg and press enter.
3) To play "Skullhunters Mod" with bots - type "game tmod" and press enter. Then type exec skullhunters.cfg and press enter.
4) To play "Instagib Mod" with bots - type "game tmod" and press enter. Then type exec instagib.cfg and press enter.
* Note: If you want longer lasting "instagib shooting... you can type in console window "instagib_delay .35" or less.
*Note: If the bots fail to spawn... just type in the console window "exec bot.cfg" and press enter. Bots will begin to spawn.
*Note: To change from one mode to another mode you have to first close the dedicated mode you are using presently and start a new dedicated.
*Note: For each person whom joins a server, one bot leaves automatically.

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