Fallout 4 Customize Legendary Enemy Spawning v.2.3

Box art for Fallout 4 Customize Legendary Enemy Spawning v.2.3 For: Fallout 4
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Want to see more legendary enemies in the world and get more unique loot, but don't want to deal with playing on survival? This mod is for you. Alternatively, if you hate the idea of legendary enemies, you can get rid of them all.

Vanilla Legendary Spawning works as follows:
Super Easy: Legendary Enemies appear 0.25x as often relative to normal difficulty.
Easy: Legendary Enemies appear 0.5x as often relative to normal difficulty.
Normal: Base chance to appear.
Hard: Legendary Enemies appear 1.5x as often relative to normal difficulty.
Very Hard: Legendary Enemies appear 2.0x as often relative to normal difficulty.
Survival: Legendary Enemies appear 3.0x as often relative to normal difficulty.

This mod sets it so that while playing on any difficulty, you can set your own rate of legendary spawning.

Meaning you could, for example, set up the following:
Super Easy: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.
Easy: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.
Normal: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.
Hard: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.
Very Hard: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.
Survival: Legendary Enemies appear 3x as often relative to unmodded normal difficulty.

There are other files you can use as well, with different rates of legendary spawning.
Additionally! By default only some enemies have the potential to become legendary enemies by default. You can now customize the Legendary Rate to change what percentage of enemies can become legendary. The default value is 1%. You can now finally see multiple legendary enemies within the same group!
To install use Nexus Mod Manager.
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