Marcus Camillus 4 Turns Per Year Mod for Rome Total Realism Platinum

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4 turn per year mod for Rome Total Realism Platinum Edition v2.0. Please refer to official forum @ for more details.
Notes for Seasonal Campaigning:
During a Spring, Summer and Autumn season turn, troops that do not start as part of a field army lead by a faction character general will have a reduced movement allowance. Troops that do start a Spring, Summer and Autumn season turn in a field army that is lead by a faction character general, will receive a movement bonus due to the faction character general\'s staff assisting in the organization, supply and movement of the army.

It will now be even more important that your field armies be lead by a faction character general. It will also be important to have new units heading to the front, as troop reinforcements or replacements, to rendezvous at a central location, and then be lead to the front by a junior officer (faction character general). The best location for a troop rendezvous point would be a field location, or fort, that is central to several troop producing cities, with a junior officer waiting to organize and then lead these troop reinforcements/replacements to the front. Your junior officers that are not ready to lead an army yet, will now have a new important task of bringing your troop reinforcements/replacements to the front in an organized and therefore speedier process.

Campaigning during the Winter season will now be more realistically portrayed. Movement will now be at a reduced rate during the Winter season for all factions. Movement during the Winter season will be reduced by approximately 50% for all characters, fleets and troops. Campaigning was historically ended during the Winter, and started again the next Spring. This mod has attempted to simulate this historical reality. Armies will still be able to campaign during the Winter season, but at a reduced movement rate. The troop movement bonus from faction character generals will not be available until the following Spring turn. During the Winter season turn, if you look at the details for each of your characters, a new trait named \"Winter Campaigning Season\" will be listed, probably near the bottom of a characters traits list. This trait is temporary, and will disappear by the start of the next Spring season turn, thereby restoring the movement rate of your characters to their full amount, and the movement bonus for troops in a field army lead by a faction character general.

An exception to campaigning in the Winter has been made for the German and Sarmatian factions. Due to their colder home climate in the dark forests of northern Europa, the German peoples were more acclimated to the harsh rigors of Winter. Their leaders will be able to move unhindered by the effects of Winter. Also, their troops that start a Winter season turn as part of a field army lead by a faction character general, will be able to move unhindered by the effects of Winter. Looking at the character details of you German faction character generals, you will note a new trait titled \"Winter Warrior (Germans)\". This trait is permanent, and will be acquired by all new faction characters, whether acquired by \"Coming of Age\", \"Adoption\", or \"Marriage\".

The Sarmations, due to their life on the cold and wind-swept plains and steppes of eastern Europa, were also more acclimated to the harsh rigors of Winter. They too will receive the same bonus of unhindered movement during the Winter. The new trait for them is titled \"Winter Warrior (Sarmations)\", and is permanent.

These are some big changes that will affect the actions of both the player and AI. Some far, my testing has shown no detrimental effect to the AI. Gameplay has been enriched and the purpose for the 4 Turns-per_Year Mod has been given more meaning. I continue to monitor the effects of these new features, and am open to all discussion and suggestions. I can be reached via the following methods.

RTR Forums: Marcus Camillus (PM me or leave a post in my 4 Turns-per-Year Mod topic)
email: [email protected]

Licence Agreement:
Terms of Use:
This software is FREEWARE. This software is provided \"as is\", without any guarantee made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use of this mod is at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any damage that may unintentionally be caused through its use. I have verified it on a local system and on a number of other users computers, but there is no way for me to be able to guarantee that it will work on each and every system configuration out there.

You may not use \"Marcus Camillus\' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod\" in any product, for commercial purposes, without the express permission of Marcus Camillus or Orbital. If you are interested in redistributing \"Marcus Camillus\' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod\", either in original or modified form, or wish to use \"Marcus Camillus\' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod\" source code in a commercial product, or have any other idea of cooperation, including a job offer or a donation, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with details.

Copyright Notice:
Marcus Camillus holds valid copyright on this Software Mod. Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver of any rights under U.S. Copyright law or any other federal or state law.
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