All Battle Crisis Designated Days

Box art for All Battle Crisis Designated Days For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Designated Days/All Battle Crisis by icemember is an impressive juxtaposition best summed up as:

Tech - amazing.
Gameplay - terrible.

The good first.....
The map is a huge republic landing, reminiscent of a 2nd world war/d-day themed landing (complete with barrage baloons and landing craft). Sides are Republic and some sort of local Militia/Independence group. Map design is excellent - lots of custom models, good atmosphere, overall very good environment.
Theres still a few minor problems with the map design however - on the gameplay side the spiked fences can be walked through, and a few models have dodgy collision, on a canonical side the Republic landing ships have huge imperial insignias on their sides (oops) and some of the floating bodies seem to have missing textures.
The most impressive aspect, tech wise, however, is the vehicles. There\'s a fully drivable Republic Juggernaut and a few smaller new Republic vehicles. very impressive.

Now onto the bad. There\'s two problems with gameplay.
Firstly, the size vs unit count. The map is huge, but there are only the stock number of units. A map this big could really benefit from either an uber/XL mode or just more units in conquest, I captured a few CPs completely unopposed in GCW era.
The first problem pales into insignificance compared to the second, however. In CW era (the one with all the custom units + vehicles) balance is practically non-existant. The Militia side battling the Republic are assisted by dozens of autoturrets. Dozens of horrendously overpowered autoturrets with shots that are very fast, very hard to see and kill you almost instantly. Oh and the turrets can fire near straight down and up, even though their barrels can\'t turn that far. The big turrets on the cliffs seem pretty overpowered too - they cut down a juggernaut in literally seconds.
So the actual battle is hopelessly one sided, with more republic troops getting killed by overpowered turrets than militia and the player generally getting killed within seconds of spawning. Both times I played CW era the militia ended more than a hundred reinforcements up.

There are a few other little bugs I noticed, like one of the militia units using a first person model for a rocket launcher, a few floating or missing weapon icons and no english localisations. Nothing too major though.

All in all its a promising map, but the main era is near unplayable because of balance issues. GCW conquest is ok because of lack of killer turrets. Download if it looks interesting or you really really want to cruise around in a Juggernaut.
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