Marvel4s BF1 Conversion Pack

Box art for Marvel4s BF1 Conversion Pack For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
Size: 134.94 MB
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If you've been paying attention to the site recently, you'll have noticed that there is a bit of a trend in regards to lots of rehashing the SWBF1 maps, and many of these have been done by Marvel4.

What we have here is a bit redundant, in that it is simply a single download of all these maps that have already been uploaded. I say that it is redundant, because it doesn't really reduce addon clutter - all the maps are still in individual folders, so there's zero difference between downloading this or downloading the maps individually. I suppose that [i]that[/i] is a difference, but the sizes will work out to be the pretty much the same anyway, bandwidth-wise.

In any case, there is very little that could be said here that hasn't been mentioned on any of the individual maps themselves, since there's nothing substantially different between these versions and those. The conversions are done well, and it's a nice alternative if you don't already have all these at once, but if the idea here is to allow people to pick and choose maps, since these are all individual folders anyway, it's probably better to just download the individual maps you like.

If you're looking for the individual maps, you can see the individual downloads [url=;34347]here[/url].

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