Drox Operative Beta v0.910 Patch

Box art for Drox Operative Beta v0.910 Patch For: Drox Operative
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This patch will update Drox Operative to version 0.910.

- added a kill race ships quest (Chumpy)
- added a distract race quest
- added destroy planet quest (MOOMANiBE/Chumpy)
- added race statement system
- added peace talks quest
- toned down a few item colors
- now show list of quests available when you highlight system name on main game menu or map (Chumpy)
- now show list of quests available when you highlight star on galaxy or jump gate map (LostSoul)
- now yellow * shows quests in a level that you don\'t have (Scotty)
- fixed the bounding box on win button (ScrObot)
- fixed ship option word placement (ScrObot)
- now starlanes and wormholes color code and add key to system name
- weaker races now give better money and relation rewards for quests (up to 4X)
- now show who can sell you a jump gate activation when highlighting a star in galaxy map
- weaker races now have a better chance to target the leading race
- races now more likely to send diplomats to other races that share the same desired war
- races now more likely to give gifts to other races that share the same desired war
- increased economic points needed for win by 50%
- increased fear points needed for win by 20%
- many quests will now transfer to a new planet if the original planet is destroyed (Virosa)
- now relation drops with race if you destroy a ship or planet of theirs (jonasan)
- now clear waypoints on a new sector correctly (ShaggyMoose)
- now waypoint max is per system instead of per sector (gornova)
- minimap always directs you towards jump gates, starlanes, and wormholes (they draw like waypoints) (gornova)
- increased medium and large population losses
- now cap how many characters you can type in on confirm delete character screen (ScrObot)
- centered text a little better on confirm delete character screen (ScrObot)
- escape key now gets rid of confirm delete character screen
- reworded military win reward text a little (ScrObot)
- fixed a translation problem in Gleria shipyard text (ShaggyMoose)
- fixed thanks and killed text for GiantPod quest (ScrObot)
- changed party member to fleet member (ShaggyMoose)
- changed skill damage to weapon damage (ShaggyMoose)
- added description to Tuned Radiation Neutralizer (Valgor)
- money gain events are now weighted towards weaker races
- money loss events are now weighted towards stronger races
- decreased NewEventMaxTime from 195.0 to 180.0
- turned on non-startup, random quests
- races no longer try to get into a war in the first 15 minutes of a new sector (Jab)
- added MinModelDetail to allow individual models to force a minimum of tris
- fixed stars losing too much detail with model detail slider (incognoscente)
- decreased chance of races solving needed goods quests if player has quest
- now won\'t start more than one declare war sound at once (Steve)
- now won\'t start more than message alert sound at once (Cheet4h)
- Leishma Stunners now just kill your movement (ShaggyMoose/robmack)
- colony modules can no longer go into race specific slots (Von Paulus)
- hooked up dialog for new race statement stuff for 5 races
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