Euro Truck Simulator 2: Scandinavian Expansion Patch v.

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ETS2 1.26 patchnotes

Older part of France reworked
New transmissions for all trucks
Upgrade shop and truck browser search tool

Add missing steering wheels.
Added icon for christmas paintjobs
Added missing AI defs
Fixed missing 'allow wrong way' variants
Fixed ovelaping text
Localization update
Tweaked traffic spawn frequencies
Updated europa2,SK stream address
1 degree rotation on Ctrl + R, 90 degree rotation on Home
Add camera rotation in bug reports.
Add possibility to buy driver and co-driver plate in truck dealer.
Added dlc dependency list to mod manifest.
Added informational dialog showing when game detects upgrade or downgrade.
Added letter-spacing to sign editor.
Added parking difficulty preset option.
Added pounds + short tonnes as weight unit option.
Added search for Truck browser and Truck configuration screen.
Added support for laydown trailers connecting/disconnecting
Added wotr open beta notification to profile select screen.
Better trailer air pressure simulation.
Fixed 'behind camera' position
Fixed 'manual' tollgates opening for player without activation
Fixed AI vehicles unable to 'activate' the stopper rule in some cases
Fixed dangerous rule check
Fixed incorrect handling of 'no AI' item flags
Fixed invalid actor access distribution in some special cases.
Fixed missing player trailer fake shadow
Fixed missing transmission info when data info is empty
Fixed possible crash
Fixed possible crash during prefab generation
Fixed possible crash while starting online job with source company error
Fixed problem with input not using proper locale in accessories searching.
Fixed some rules not being properly left
Fixed text cutting in version change detect message.
Fixed tollgate money string
Fixed tollgate parameters not being correctly set in some cases
Fixed wrong player path prediction in some cases
Hired driver use same math for eco skill as player.
Improved lane speed computation
Keep the 'green' state while the activator hasn't entered the barrier area
Merged editable sing and sing dialog
Mod manager: Added link to load game screen in case game crashed and user has at least one mod activated.
Mod manager: Added possibility of setting profile by name and by user profile pointer.
Moddable interior camera zoom parameters. (speed, factor)
Optimized traffic segment compound ('crossroad area') initialization
Prevent buy of too expensive truck when double clicked in online dealer
Prevent generating company routes containing U-turns, please test economy more carefully
Prevent to AI trucks disappearing in players view.
Refresh sign template and its model from content browser.
Replaced refresh button with browse jobs
Revised rolling resistance computations (fixed rrc to cca half).
Search is case sensitive now.
Searching of the accessory is no longer case sensitive
Show a message in advisor when activated an automatic 'start' tollgate
Switch to the interior camera when TV camera is at "under world" place
Temporarily switched to testing WoTr. Online jobs should working now.
Truck repair/refuel performed by hired driver cost money, included in logs.

Fixed dlc's road visibility on ui map
Fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Austria - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Austria - Graz - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Austria - Klagenfurt - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Austria - Linz - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Austria - Wien - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Belgium - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Belgium - Brussel - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Belgium - Liege - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Czech Republic - Brno - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Czech Republic - Prague - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Aalborg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Esbjerg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Frederikshavn - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Gedser - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Kobenhavn - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Denmark - Odense - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Added dlc guards in Plymouth
France - Added dlc guards near Torino
France - Added dlc guards on roads southern of Lyon
France - Added dlc guards on roads western of Paris
France - Batisse - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Bordeaux - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Bourges - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Brest - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Calais - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Civaux - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Clermont-Ferrand - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Dijon - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Golfech - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - La Rochelle - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Le Havre - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Le Mans - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Lille - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Limoges - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Lyon - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Marseille - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Metz - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Montpellier - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Nantes - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Nice - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Orleans - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Paluel - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Paris - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Reims - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Rennes - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Roscoff - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Saint-Alban - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Saint-Laurent - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - St. C�r� - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Strasbourg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
France - Toulouse - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Berlin - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Bremen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Dortmund - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Dresden - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Duisburg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - D�sseldorf - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Ehrurt - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Kassel - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - K�ln - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Leipzig - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Magdeburg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Mannheim - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - M�nchen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - N�rnberg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Osnabr�ck - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Germany - Rostock - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Hungary - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Hungary - Budapest - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Hungary - Debrecen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Hungary - Pecs - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Hungary - Szeged - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - Innsbruck - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - Milano - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - Torino - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - Venezia - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Italy - Verona - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Luxembourg - Luxembourg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Netherlands - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Netherlands - Amsterdam - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Netherlands - Groningen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Netherlands - IJmuiden - Fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Netherlands - Rotterdam - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Norway - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Norway - Bergen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Norway - Kristiansand - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Norway - Oslo - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Norway - Stavanger - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Bialystok - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Gdansk - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Katowice - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Krakow - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Lodz - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Lublin - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Poznan - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Szczecin - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Warszawa - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - Wroclaw - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Poland - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Slovakia - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Slovakia - Banska Bystrica - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Slovakia - Bratislava - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - G�teborg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Helsingborg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - J�nk�ping - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Kalmar - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Karlskrona - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Linkopning - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Link�ping - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Malmo - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Nyn�shamn - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Stockholm - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - S�dert�lje - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Trelleborg - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - Uppsala - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - V�steras - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - V�xj� - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Sweden - �rebro - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Switzerland - Bern - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Switzerland - Geneve - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
Switzerland - Z�rich - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Aberdeen - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Birmingham - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Cardiff - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Carlisle - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Edinburgh - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Felixstowe - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Glasgow - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Grimsby - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - London - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Newcastle - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Plymouth - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Southampton - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - Swansea - fixed incorrectly positioned objects
United Kingdom - fixed incorrectly positioned objects

Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/border_speed_uk
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/fr/2_1_fr
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/fr/narrowing_road_left_fr
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/fuel_left_fr
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/traffic_signs_fr
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/traffic_signs_fr_4
Fixed model /model/sign/traffic/traffic_signs_fr_5
Fixed model /model/sign/truck_company_logos/mercedes/entrance_sign
Fixed model /model/traffic_light/temporary_fr
Fixed model /model/vehicle/forklift
Fixed model /model/warehouse/low_brick
Fixed model /model2/building/logistic/logistic_01_fr
Fixed model /model2/building/logistic/logistic_09
Fixed model /model2/building/logistic/logistic_11_fr
Fixed model /model2/farm/farm_building_uni_04_sc
Fixed model /model2/lamp/lamp_fr_01_fr
Fixed model /model2/lamp/lamp_t_shape_fr_01_fr
Fixed model /model2/landmark/chaumont_bridge_far_fr
Fixed model /model2/mid_city_buildings/mid_flat_03_sc
Fixed model /model2/mid_city_buildings/mid_industry_06
Fixed model /model2/panorama/hirsthals/harbour_close_01_sc
Fixed model /model2/power_line/6_x_wire_01_fr
Fixed model /model2/quarry/quarry_building_01
Fixed model /model2/ship/parked_motorboat_01_fr
Fixed model /model2/sign/company_logos/kaarfor/entrance_sign_fr
Fixed model /prefab/bus_station/base_01/bus_station_01b
Fixed model /prefab/bus_station/base_01/bus_station_01c
Fixed model /prefab/bus_station/base_02/bus_station_02b
Fixed model /prefab/bus_station/base_02/bus_station_02b_uk
Fixed model /prefab/bus_station/base_02/bus_station_02c
Fixed model /prefab/car_dealer/car_dealer_sc_01
Fixed model /prefab/construction_dock/bridge_sc
Fixed model /prefab/cross/hw2-2_x_city2-1_t_small
Fixed model /prefab/cross_temp/sc/r1_x_r1_y_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab/garage_scandinavia/garage_sc
Fixed model /prefab/gas_big/gas_big
Fixed model /prefab/heavy_factory/heavy_factory
Fixed model /prefab/logistic_company/logistic_company_sc_01
Fixed model /prefab/logistic_company/logistic_company_sc_04
Fixed model /prefab/meat_processing_co/meat_processing_co_sc
Fixed model /prefab/quarry/quarry
Fixed model /prefab/quarry/quarry_sc_03
Fixed model /prefab/recruitment_agency/recruitment_agency
Fixed model /prefab/recruitment_agency/recruitment_agency_sc
Fixed model /prefab/roadwork/roadwork_small
Fixed model /prefab/sawmill/sawmill_02
Fixed model /prefab/sellplan/sellplan
Fixed model /prefab/tollgate/large_it_fr_tollgate/tolgate_big
Fixed model /prefab/tollgate/large_it_fr_tollgate/tolgate_small
Fixed model /prefab/tradeaux_warehouse/tradeaux
Fixed model /prefab/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_sc
Fixed model /prefab/truck_dealer_small/truck_dealer_small_sc
Fixed model /prefab2/car_factory/car_factory_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r1_x_r1_sw_round_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r1_x_r1_t_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r1_x_r1_y_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r2_x_r1_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r2_x_r1_t_enter_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r2_x_r1_t_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/cross_temp/fr/fr_r2_x_r1_y_narrow_tmpl
Fixed model /prefab2/farm/farm_plant_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/farm_plants_sc
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_hw_small_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_parking_big_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_parking_small_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_plaza_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_small_road_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/gas_station/gas_small_road_02_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/hotel/fr_hotel_02_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/ika/ika_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/level_crossing/rail1_x_road1_narrow_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/level_crossing/rail1_x_road1_y_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/level_crossing/rail1_x_road1_y_01_mirrored_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/level_crossing/rail2_x_road1_narrow_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/load_unload_plaza/load_unload_plaza_sc
Fixed model /prefab2/ports/roscoff_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/sawmill_sc/sawmill_sc
Fixed model /prefab2/tires_factory/tires_factory_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/toll_svinesund_north_big_sc
Fixed model /prefab2/tollgate/tollgate_big_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/tollgate/tollgate_big_hw3_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/tollgate/tollgate_small_01_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_fr
Fixed model /prefab2/wind_powerplant_const/wind_powerplant_const
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/audi_a6/ai
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/captur/color
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/opalin/ai
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a4x2_lod_01
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a4x2_lod_02
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a4x2_lod_03
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a6x4_lod_01
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a6x4_lod_02
Fixed model /vehicle/ai/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/a6x4_lod_03
Fixed model /vehicle/share/models/vossloh_g6/vossloh_g6
Fixed model /vehicle/share/models/wirtgen_w250i/milling_machine
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/aero_dynamic/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/brick_trailer/brick_explo_trailer
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/brick_trailer/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/car_transporter/cargo_octavia_lod_01
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/car_transporter/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_mixer/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/flat_bed/hptank_shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/flat_bed/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/food_cistern/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/fuel_cistern/trailer
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/glass_trailer/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/gooseneck/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/opentop/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/overweight/cargo_windplant_lod2_sc
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/overweight/cargo_yacht_schw.dlc_trailers
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/overweight/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schmitz/s_ki_solid/shadow
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_cistern_food/schw_cistern_food.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_curtain/schw_curtain.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_overweight/cargo/cargo_tractors
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_overweight/overweight.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_reefer/schw_reefer.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_slidepost/cargo/cargo_logs.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed model /vehicle/trailer_eu/truck_transporter/shadow

Fixed texture /material/overlay/city_fr_zurich_w
Fixed texture /material/overlay/city_hu_pecs_w
Fixed texture /material/overlay/city_hu_pecs_wl
Fixed texture /material/overlay/city_hu_pecs_wr
Fixed texture /material/sign/atlas/fr/highway_fr
Fixed texture /material/ui/company/small/gallia_ferry
Fixed texture /material/ui/map/map
Fixed texture /model/sign/traffic/traffic_signs_fr
Fixed texture /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_cistern_food/schw_food_decals.dlc_schwarzmuller
Fixed texture /vehicle/trailer_eu/schw_slidepost/schw_slidepost_d.dlc_schwarzmuller

All: Added christmas paintjob
All: Added new halloween paintjobs
All: Fixed halloween paintjob name
Daf XF EURO6: Fixed texture
Daf XF105: Fixed missing rain drops in interior on right side
Daf XF105: Fixed paintjob
Daf XF105: Fixed texture
Daf XF105: Fixed DAF Limited Edition Paintjob typo
Daf XF105: Fixed shining driver and coodriver plates
Daf XF105: Fixed unnecessary suspension link on 6x2 taglift
Iveco HiWay: Fixed Aurora Borealis
Iveco HiWay: Fixed texture
Iveco Stralis: Added correct uv maping for doorhandles
Iveco Stralis: Fixed texture
Man TGX: Fixed texture
Mercedes Actros MP3: Fixed texture
Mercedes New Actros: Added flares to all chassis
Mercedes New Actros: Added missing controls for mirrors
Mercedes New Actros: Adjusted weight distribution
Mercedes New Actros: Fixed chassis icon
Mercedes New Actros: Fixed fuel tank volume
Mercedes New Actros: Fixed paintjobs definitions
Mercedes New Actros: Fixed texture
Renault Magnum: Fixed texture
Renault Premium: Fixed texture
Scania R: Fixed typo in def file
Scania R, Sreamline: Fixed steering wheel misalignment
Scania R: Fixed axle position
Scania R: Fixed flares position
Scania R: Fixed shadow
Scania R: Fixed side flares
Scania R: Fixed texture
Volvo FH 2009: Fixed texture
Volvo FH 2012: Fixed texture
Volvo FH 2012: Fixed Belgian Flag Metallic
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