Fortress Forever: v1.11 to v2.0 Client Patch

Box art for Fortress Forever: v1.11 to v2.0 Client Patch For: Half-Life 2
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For those who have been waiting for it, its here! Fortress Forever v2.0! This [b]Patch[/b] will patch up your [url=";84380"]previous version[/url] to the latest 2.0 version! You sure you wish to see the change log? As it is huge! Go check it below:

[b]Fortress Forever v2.0 Change Log[/b]

[*] [b]GENERIC / Misc stuff:[/b]
• Walls no longer apply friction to grenades, concmaps should be possible now!
• Small auto-conc for HH concs when you dont jump
• Frag grenade damage up to 145 (patch 1.0 was 180, patch 1.11 was 126). Radius the same.
• Throwing the flag is now upwards slightly rather than skidding along the floor
• Re-added recoil for some weapons (e.g. IC)
• Suiciding no longer causes you to lose 100 fortress points
• bhop now 1.20 up from 1.10
• Better intermission scoreboard/player handling
• Made the currently held grenade timer bar more visible than the dropped ones
• pyro scream time only triggers once every 1.7 seconds now
• Added cl_reducedexplosions to help fps problem
• Added a cvar for ragdoll lifetime
• NEW!! assault cannon fire sound

[*] [b]Visuals:[/b]
• Grenades now have trails and halo's around them
• Blue and yellow pipes now have trails
• Player models have been tweaked to increase visibility
• Grenade models have been tweaked to increase visibility
• SG models have been tweaked to increase visibility
• SG now throws out sparks when it's below 50% health
• Flags now GLOW
• Single Shotgun reload animation (thanks a084)
• New IC model!
• No more ugly background for build timers
• New HUD security icons for shutdown style maps
• Shotgun muzzle flash more visible
• Many visuals now line up correctly in widescreen modes (damage indicators, Context menus etc)
• New EMP effect
• HUD health / armor no longer flashes red when you are hit. It'll only flash red when you are < 25% health to prevent confusion. (instead it flashes white when hit)
• Grenade 2 timer up a bit so it's not so far down
• New explosion scorch decal which doesnt make your whole base black.
• 'on fire' hud HUD redness reduced a lot
• Cvars for turning off targets + gren trails (also in options menu)
• Teamcolour hud can now go back to normal again

[*] [b]Bug fixes:[/b]
• Grenade target timing bug (
• Medkit fix. Should be much easier to heal people with medkit and spanner now, as friendlies are lag predicted now.
• Dispenser / SG health now displays properly on the HUD even if you are far away.
• CL_CopyExistingEntity crash fixed at last (!!)
• SG now tracks properly when built on a slope
• Death by burning is no longer a suicide
• Fixed LUA error causing security icons to disappear when players connected
• Fix for spies being able to sabotage when they're dead
• Demoman grenades hopefully dont bounce of people any more
• Readded interpolation for projectiles
• Put in a fix for grenade timers not showing up

[*] [b]Class-specific changes - Scout:[/b]
• Caltrops and radar have been removed. Instead they have a buildable jump pad on +attack2. Jumppad is invincible - det it by double right-tapping. You can only carry one, similar to a detpack. They last 60 seconds before auto-detting. Any team can use them.
• Players can only use a jump pad once every second, so they dont get multiple triggers.
• Max conc speed after using the jumppad
• Reduced conc time for Scout down to Medic level
• Scouts now don't take fall damage.

[*] [b]Sniper:[/b]
• Sniper rifle base damage has been reduced from 42 to 35
• Radiotag duration reduced from 60 to 15 seconds.
• AR damage down from 7 to 5.5

[*] [b]Soldier:[/b]
• RPG damage radius increased slightly (from 108 to 125).
• RPG reload time decreased from 1.0 to 0.9 seconds.
• Nail grens tweaked a lot.
• Soldier special now quickswitches between shotgun and RPG

[*] [b]Demoman:[/b]
• Blue pipe fuse timer dramatically decreased (from 2.5 to 1.1 seconds). Pipetrap explosion radius increased from 125 to 150.

[*] [b]Medic:[/b]
• Right click now discards medpacks for teammates to use (thanks mirv). These take 10 cells to use and the medic slowly recharges cells over time. Medpacks last 5 seconds before disappearing so the person you are throwing to has to pick them up soon (you can't leave a supply for your defenders for example)

[*] [b]HWGuy:[/b]
• New HW AC System! : Overheat removed (!), rof changed from 0.06-0.12 to 0.05-0.15. cof changed from 0.10-0.15 to 0.05-0.30.
• New AC clamp system - hold right mouse to clamp, let go to unclamp. Also fires when you are clamping so you can hold right mouse to clamp + fire (you dont have to hold mouse1 and mouse2)

[*] [b]Pyro:[/b]
• IC base damage has come down (from 60 to 50).
• Flamethrower damage increased to 16 from 13
• Flamethrower pushforce cap increased to 850 from 550.
• Pyro special now quickswitches between flamethrower and IC.
• Pyro vs Pyro now takes 100% damage up from 50%
• Flamethrower uppush up to 110 from 50.

[*] [b]Spy[/b]
• Spy now has a 'last disguise' option on the menu
• knife damage up to 50 from 32.
• Disguise time halved.

[*] [b]Engineer:[/b]
• SG health has come down to 113% from 120% of TFC level(ish).
• SG bulletpush now works on the ground (thanks jiggs!).
• SG air bulletpush reduced to 15 from 24

[*] [b]ALL CLASSES (except medic)::[/b]
• Melee weapons now do more damage. Crowbar + spanner up to 30 from 18. Knife up to 50 from 32.

[*] [b]Spy[/b]
• New scoring system, capping flag results in that teams flag being reset back to cage, other team unaffected and can continue capturing. First to 3 captures wins and everyone resets.

[*] [b]New functionality:[/b]
• New splash screen to tell you about any updates to FF if you are playing an old version.
• New options screen with a load more stuff on it

[*] [b]Map Changes - Epicenter:[/b]
• New scoring system, capping flag results in that teams flag being reset back to cage, other team unaffected and can continue capturing. First to 3 captures wins and everyone resets

• Extended balcony area around cap point for additional SG position
• Epicenter ammo bags now give a slight amount of health/armor (thanks gingerlord)
• Epicenter 3-cap LUA system added, some various tweaks
• Epicenter tweaks

[*] [b]Crossover:[/b]
• VIS fixed, massive performance increase
• Test middle area structure for additional route
• Misc brush fixes
• Crossover2: More obvious Capture Point, lasers in air lift.(thanks gingerlord)
• Various crossover tweaks including a revamped midmap
• Crossover tweaks

[*] [b]Openfire:[/b]
• Revamped version of ff_openfire_b2, with better lighting, clipped lights, decent water, better flag-security system, custom teamcoloured security buttons and stuff

[*] [b]Monkey:[/b]
• monkey is now Red vs Blue
• monkey FPS vastly improved

[*] [b]Well:[/b]
• Well front door buttons removed, walk up to it = it opens

[*] [b]Dustbowl:[/b]
• Dustbowl now compiles properly, various visual fixes (gaps in ceilings etc)

[*] [b]Dropdown:[/b]
• New, polished, bug-fixed version of the community map. Thanks Yann "Sh4x" Richer

[*] [b]Waterpolo:[/b]
• New revamped version
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